single speed bikes

I've always fancied a single speed/fixie and recently looked into getting one to use as a 'pub bike'.

However, after a few unsuccessful bids on Ebay I finally ended up with this vintage Raleigh Esquire with a Sturmey Archer 3 speed and I cannot be happier! I wanted a bike I could leave outside the pub without worrying about it too much but after restoring this Ole Girl back to good health I'm really quite attached to her. She's great fun to ride and I really only use the first two gears on my fairly flat jaunt to the local Hostelry or for cruising around town:

My (Summer) ride to work is about 16 miles each way, on more serious terrain and I definitely need more gears for that. So, I use this baby:
Certainly no intention to cause offence, that is why i stated IMHO.

Note, i did say I preferred the look of the Countryman, also made by Pashley. Pashley are a great success as a company, who by creating bicycles with a more traditional look ,have their own niche in the market.

Regarding looks, I do not like the look of modern road bikes, preferring the hand built steel frames from my Youth, i.e. Beautiful "Mercian " , made in Derby.
Regards keep on biking
thanks for the input. i went to see about getting a bike at the weekend, was interested in the charge plug1 single speed, and got some good advice from the bloke in the independent bike shop ill be buying from. the bloke who runs it was talking about building a single speed from scratch for me, but he raised quite a few issues that a few of you have suggested on here already, and ive ended up going for a marin fairfax 8 speed internal hub gear.

i think ive made a good choice, and thanks again for the advice.