Single edge razor of the day.

GEM Micromatic Clog-pruf

Pre-shave; Warm shower, face rinse with MWF bar soap.
Brush; TroyCraft, ‘’Gold n Jar’’ Jarrah hardwood and pure Gold flake resin handle, highly polished with a CA finish and a 26mm (x TF), 2 band Finest Badger knot (Brush No 4) Grail.
Soap; Areffa, Discoverer, Bear based tallow.
Razor; . Ever-ready, Chrome Plated Single Edge Razor 2nd Generation, Official name, common name/s “Ambassador’’, ‘’Jewel’’ or ‘’Streamline’’ (Case dependent, but the same razor) 1949-53. The epitome of vintage SE razors IMHO.
Blade; Personna, GEM PTFE coated.
Post-shave; Areffa, Discoverer A/S milk.
Attar (Perfume Oil);
Very nice shave, I look forward to using the Streamline as she gives as smooth a 2 pass BBS (with touch-up/s) as does my Kami. Still deciding on a Grail razor this could certainly up there, but I won’t decide till I get an Alpha Spirit (in Bronze) and compare the “4”’ in contention for this title!! I’m liking the Areffa product but doesn’t surpass Washpool No2 for me, obviously YMMV.
Pre-shave; Warm shower, face rinse with MWF bar soap.
Brush; TroyCraft, “Red Desert” Supplejack timber, Brass plate/s, Red Earth Candy resin with fine Gold glitter handle and a 28mm (x TF), Pure Boar knot (Brush No 1a)
Soap; Washpool, No 2 (Lemongrass, Lime & Lemon Myrtle) in an original Franklin Toiletry Co 1976 Barbershop Mug. A TOP Aussie product, so is their No1 & 3 IMHO. Grail.
Razor; Gem Micromatic Open Comb (MMOC) 1937, as in a Maroon Streamline case.
Blade; Personna, GEM PTFE coated.
Post-shave; @SpeedyPC recipe 500mls, Wahl Traditional Bay Rum 500mls, Moroccan Argan Oil 100mls, Bay Essential Oil 25mls and Vit E 5mls (Mixed together) aftershave/moisturiser splash!! ‘’Superb’’
Attar (Perfume Oil);
Very nice shave, the MMOC is more aggressive and not as smooth and efficient as my Streamline but a pleasure to use. The soap and A/S, well (YMMV) but for DE, SE and Kamisori shaving the slickness, lather and post shave scent/moisturised skin is TOPS for me!!
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