Single edge cool wall

Billy what is the injector in the 5th picture down....very nice.

Its a Schick Type F..Made in 1941 for around 6 Months Only..Its Made of Alloy, Copper & Brass..These Precious Metals were Commandeered for the War Effort after the Japs Attacked Peril Harbour..It was Never Made After the War..I Dunno Why cause its My Favourite Schick Injector..

I could, and likely will, end up living in this thread. [emoji1]

My E2, because I love the Butterscotch, and because I think it is my all around best shaving injector.

My G4 because how cool looking is that? It is also my favorite shaver when I have to shave twice in a day. Strong enough to get the job done, mellow enough to feel good doing it.

My J because it shaves great, is super minty, and only cost me a dollar. [emoji1]

My M because it was my first injector. It was also the same model my Grandpa used when I was a little boy. I used to play shave with him using an L (I think) without a blade and his lather.

My PAL adjustable because it shaves great, and is just over the top cool.

My Mongoose because it delivers AWESOME shaves and performs extra duties as both a fire axe and defensive weapon. [emoji1]

My General because it is a reasonably priced machined razor, manufactured by gentlemen, and gives an outstanding shave.

One good looking razor too!
Loving your E2 and G4 razors