Simpsons Chubby 2 Synthetic badger

I like mine a lot. It'll create great lather even with the most akward of soaps. Once you get the hang of it, it really is a good brush.
Stilgar said:
Most people have been very disappointed with this brush including me

Hmmmm ...

You base this statement on what exactly? Sporadic posts on shaving forums or actual statisitics on the number of units sold, feedback received and future demand for production?

Genuinely interested in how you have determined that 'most' people have been 'very' disappointed - you? yes ... but most, we think not.


For me the Chubby 2 Synthetic now knocks every other synth I've used into a cocked-hat, kicks them down the road and piddles all over them. That includes a Men-U; Muehle M 21mm, Edwin Jagger L 23mm, Edwin Jagger XL 25mm and a 24mm Frank Shaving.

However, my first use was a disaster: too stiff, didn't splay, horribly “springy” and required enough force to splay that caused my hand to ache (I do have grip problems though). Based on comments from experienced synth users that man-made fibres will not change performance or behaviour with use I was disappointed. However, the BRUSH has changed, and very significantly, even if the fibres themselves haven't.

By the 4th or 5th use things were much better but still not to the same standard as a nice badger. Then I started mistreating it (relative to how I'd treat a badger). I ran the brush (knot up) under the hot tap (~60degC) at full chat and also used a hair dryer on hot and fast to open out the tightly packed knot. This brush now splays easily, does not feel at all springy, holds loads of soap and gives it up willingly and has tips far, far softer than any silvertip I've used. It's bloody great!

Also, I think the furore over the missing 4mm of loft is a red herring: my brush is 29/50, and I can't see the extra 4mm making much of a difference. I think the 2mm larger knot diameter (than specified) is probably more significant in creating a stiffer and, initially, harder to splay knot.

All in all, I'm now very pleased with the CH2S. However, I now need something suitable for traveling with… Mark?

Thing I dislike about it most?

It's a bit ugly.
Fido said:
I confess - I don't like to see pics of wet/damp brushes - they don't do any brush justice.

Agreed, but I think that even when wet the Duke 3 Best looks better than the CH2S:

Anyway, the point that I'd like to focus on is that initially, I WAS dissapointed with the Synth but it HAS changed / broken in to become an outstanding brush and I'm very glad I stuck with it rather than selling on as a few did. The point about it not looking pretty (in my opinion) was to show I'm not blind to any short-comings I think it might have.

jb74 said:
Dry ->

I think she's kinda pretty.

Yes, I think your brush is much more attractive. I think your knot is wider, and better shaped, than mine, and the coral might help too.