Simpsons Chubby 2 Synthetic badger

Burgundy said:
In fairness, Simpson prices are mostly out of line with other manufacturers.

I don't understand his pricing strategy either. They advertise the RRP and then add VAT at the checkout to the item and postage. So a Chubby 2 in best that I can buy from my local bricks and mortar shop for £128, will end up costing £163.38 directly from Simpsons.

I can just about understand the premium on LE ones as they only seem to sell these on their website. Their web sales business does seemed geared towards the North American or non EU markets. Perhaps they buy a lot more brushes than we do.

I agree with you Scott.

Also the BS around gen 5 fibres is another hot potato. Who they trying to kid? Especially when the 'gen' system was created by a forum member and actually tested the brush. It's quite disappointing behaviour.
I must admit that I felt like I'd be done after submitting the order for mine... even more-so after reading a review elsewhere from a guy that tested the brush and thought that a cheaper Muhle was far better.
If the majority (and I'm guessing here) of your business is outside of a VAT zone why would you quote prices with VAT? Even if you look at new prices for vans from UK web-sites most prices don't quote VAT because most buyers are VAT registered. It makes sense to me.

Agreed I don't understand why the standard brushes are the same price ex-VAT on the Simpsons site as Executive Shaving inc-VAT, but again, if most of your business is non-EU and you can get away with it why wouldn't you?

jb74 said:
...even more-so after reading a review elsewhere from a guy that tested the brush and thought that a cheaper Muhle was far better.

Well - you know what they say: YMMV! I found the Muehle too lofty and sparse so what he disliked about the Chubby 2 I'll probably like. If you really don't like it then I'm sure it'll be easy to sell on.
This has been indefinitely back-burnered for me, I've just ordered a Tubby 2 from Fido, and will hang onto my Muhle. Having slept on it I just can't justify dropping that amount of money on a brush using the same fibres as my STF that was less than half the price.
To all,

As of today Simpsons has removed the incorrect ascriptions of "Fifth Generation" to their fibers. I reviewed the same page this morning and found it to be removed.

I appreciate Mark's diligence in correcting this to allow the rating system to reflect user generated information rather than company generated.

Thank you very much Mark!
Geofnay said:
I'll admit to being synthetic averse - but a Simpsons Chubby synthetic sounds like HERESY - irrespective of the price point. (IMHO).

I agree a Chubby should be badger.

I've not quite got in to synths but would be interested in trying another one at a later date but the price has to be right and the Muhle, who have much more experience in this field, have a much better range and at much better prices.

I have a Chubby 2 and it's a great brush but it has its reputation due to it's iconic status and it's huge amount os badger hair - it's why I wanted one - and not just down to its handle.

Be interested to hear how people get on with them though.

I notice on the US forums that the Plisson synthetic is starting to get a big following but that's also £75 in the UK.
Someone in b&b has tested already one. His veredict: a short and dense knot only suitable for painting with it... he is not very happy at all...

And i love muy Plisson synthetic of course, hehe

Ironically, I own 2 simpsons brushes and the instructions state that you should use painting strokes - even with the badgers and I do find this the best way to use them.

So not quite sure what he was expecting from the synthetic.

Looking at the pics it does look like my chubby before the first shave and subsequent bloom.

The Plisson looks lovely but that price in the UK is just plain daft.
I collected my brush from the post office this morning and my first impressions are that this this is a very pretty brush. The knot looks like it is a little on the smaller side of what I was expecting, but that's probably due to the bloom on my badger Chubby's.

Next to my other Chubby 2s

With a Duke 2 added to the line up.
