Simpson Synthetic Badger

Hope I'm not clogging up this thread, but wow - what a gorgeous looking brush!

I look forward to hearing the results of these trials.... may even have to open my wallet. Again.
LTB ...

If you could put together, say a 20 person list, I think we should be able to glean a fair spectrum of opinion?

How does that sound ... ?


PS - Please PM me with the initial name & address to get the ball rolling.
OK guys,

I will start a new thread in the Lending Pool to keep track of who is on the list, and where the brush currently resides.

We will use that list to track the brushes progress amongst us, and to request to join the list so as not to clutter this thread.

I will put the initial list there shortly.

Please update this thread with your review of the brush once you have used it.
The first review

The brush arrived on Saturday morning, I had deliberately not shaved in anticipation. The first job was a few photos to see how it compared to other brushes in my collection.

Here is the brush as it arrived, along with a tub of Simpsons Shaving Cream to also be tested.

I took a few photos to give some idea of size.

Here is the brush alongside a Simpson Polo8 and a Duke 3

Here it is alongside the Muhle Medium Fibretip

From the top you can see it is quite a dense brush, the first pic is of the Simpson, the second is the Muhle

The brush looks nice and has a good weight to it, the knot is quite dense and has a good firm backbone with soft tips.

The next job was a quick wash, I know it's a new brush but I wash all brushes when I receive them and this was no exception, so a quick wash with some baby shampoo in Hot Water.

The first shave was using an old favourite of mine TOBS Eton College. I know this stuff well and use it regularly so it is a good benchmark for me. After a quick swirl around the tub to collect some cream I set about face lathering. Lather and water went everywhere, I think this is normal with synthetic brushes as the same thing happens with the Muhle, the lather just doesn't seem to cling to the bristles in the same way as it would on a Badger brush. I still managed to produce a good lather and maintained enough in the brush for the next 2 passes.

The brush in use felt a little too stiff for my liking, the tips themselves are very soft, but the knot as a whole felt just a little on the rigid side, for me I would have liked it just a bit more floppy, maybe a slightly smaller knot, or not quite so dense could have helped here.

Overall verdict.

It's a nice brush, looks great and on first impression feels great too. For me the knot is a little too rigid, will it soften with use, I don't know.

I'm actually a little disappointed, I was expecting it be a bit special, Simpsons have a very good name when it comes to Shaving brushes, and for me this doesn't quite
meet my expectation of how good a Simpson brush should be. Perhaps that's just a perception issue on my part.

I will be trying out again this evening with MWF to see how that goes.
Thanks for the review LTB!

I like a slightly firmer backbone so I'm looking forward to this more and more.
The lather going everywhere might be an issue, I'm not exactly neat with my lathering as it is!

Looking forward to hearing more and then getting my grubby mits on it!!
Great review.

When I used the Kent, I had a different mind set and didn't compare to anything other than the Muhle v1. I don't think they can get rid of the spring yet but synthetics are extremely efficient in generating lather and dry very fast, these are merits in themselves.