Simpson Brush Labels

I have seen a variety of Simpson brush labels. With the variety, there has been some semblance of guessing the production range. There is a sticker/decal/label that seems to be a little more difficult to guess when it was made. In the image below, there is a No. 4, and (2) Vintage Major travel brushes, marked with a No. 5.

The (2) Majors have different labels. The middle Major has a label/decal that matches the No. 4 on the left. These 3 might allow for identifying the label on the No. 4, which looks like a "Special".

Early Wee Scot


Nimmer Mill Somerset

An Older Somerset



Modern Label

Most Recent Label

Are there guidelines for establishing an approximate date of manufacture based on the label? Any ideas about the No. 4 in the first image?
I will add, for the sake of clarity, two of the three brushes referenced in the first image have (4) lines of text, which include the hair quality used in the knot. This is unlike most of the labels that have been seen over time. The inclusion of the knot quality is listed in the pre-1941 brush labels. I struggle with entertaining this element to suggest the brushes with this detail are of the early 1940 brushes, however, the 40 series did begin in the 1940's.
Only one of the images used in this post are mine: