Should "agressive " razors be paired with mild blades?

If you like a middle of the road shave then yes, pair an aggressive razor with a mild blade. If you like to experience more blade feel and like to know you could damage youself if you don't take care then go with a sharper blade. There's no rule one way or the other.
The above question is asked as I have no idea how to pair my blades. Your views and opinions are welcome.

Blade choice for a razor really will be personal to you and can be a tad laborious but well worth the effort; you will hit an aha moment when you pair a blade with your razor that really works for you. Unfortunately there is no short cut to trying different blades in your favourite razor even though you will get lots of recommendations. That said I do find sharp blades (Feather, KAI, Gillette Russian Yellows, Med Preps) work great in my R41 but are shite in my Karve with higher base plates. My Rocca (mid aggressive) works best with less sharp blades (Shark SS) and my Feather AS-D2 (mild razor) works best with Feather blades. But and it is a big but the exact opposite may work best for you.