Shibden Spice Bay Rum

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Bay Rum ... from Wiki:"It is a distillate that was originally made in Saint Thomas (and probably other West Indian islands) from rum and the leaves and/or berries of the West Indian bay tree, <i>pimenta racemosa</i>. Other ingredients may be citrus and spice oils, the most common being lime oil, oil of cloves and cinnamon."

Yeah, yeah ... we know what it is.

Legend has it that this brew was put together, simply, by sailors who grabbed leaves and buds before boarding ship and stuffing it into flaggons of rum once on board. Left to steep, the brew became eminently useful for these stinky sailors to freshen up at the next port.

I wanted to follow that low brow tradition and my criteria was for a spicy, warming aftershave made from spices I already had.

I did look for the leaves, even the buds, but could not find any locally, or online below an extortionate price. For that, I cheated and bought some Bay Rum Essential Oil, but you get my point.

So, what do I already have?

Juniper berries (10), cloves (6), peppercorns (1), coriander seeds (10), cardamom (2), cinnamon (2"), ginger (1/2 tsp) and clementine peel (1).

Rum (120ml) and witch hazel (60ml).

Glycerine (5ml).

I used Sainsbury's basic rum, which is more like white spirit than anything that you'd call a joy to drink. I know the "don't cook with wine that you wouldn't drink", but don't think the adage holds for home made aftershave.

I could use rubbing alcohol and cut it back with distilled water, both of which I also happen to have in for other reasons, but this rum seems just right. Cheap, cheerful and just right for splashing on your body as well as surviving the high seas with

Into a 200ml jar, shred the orange peel and ginger - push into the jar. Push in the cinnamon and the smaller spices. Pour on 120ml of white rum, 60ml of witch hazel, 5ml of glycerine and let it steep ...

... 7 days later, strain through a piece of kitchen paper and you're done! Well, just 10 drops of the Bay Rum essential oil to make it a little more authentic.

The scent is good! Complex, with just the right hints of clove and cinnamon, which could overpower the brew. It's got a good initial flash burn, but the witch hazel calms while the glycerine feeds. I think I got the alcohol to witch hazel right.

The scent it fleeting, but really, that's all you want from an aftershave - a quick clean, tone, light scent and get about your day with calmed and nourished skin.

I'm going to see how it goes and consider a few more drops of the Bay Rum essential oil, but for now, it's pretty good ...
RE: Shibden Bay Rum

When ships were made of wood and men of steel, I don't think it had occurred to anyone to cock up a good rum by making white versions. It and Puser's rum were black. And OP, to boot.
RE: Shibden Bay Rum

Good lad! Share your success, will you?

Mine was an experiment, just to see if I could. It's not perfect, could do with less juniper and more clove, but it was fun. It'll get used ... fast ... probably best get another batch on now.
Shibden Bay Rum

I found a place in the US from where I can buy the leaves but it's £20 for 30 leaves. I only need 10 leaves so if anyone wants to go halves with me next time and get the real McCoy leaves let me know.
RE: Shibden Bay Rum

I've had a scratch round the kitchen cupboards and I reckon I can give this a go.

Mine will mainly contain Malibu, salt, grapes, I can't believe it's not butter and tea leaves.
Shibden Bay Rum

My first batch has just been made, will decant it in a couple of months and see how it turns out. SHMBO, has already called it bay rum punch from the palm tree lined sun kissed shores of tropical Bradford.
RE: Shibden Bay Rum

shiny said:
Excellent, must be something in the water in West Yorkshire, I am starting my own batch tomorrow.

How's it coming along, pal?

joe mcclaine said:
I've had a scratch round the kitchen cupboards and I reckon I can give this a go.

Mine will mainly contain Malibu, salt, grapes, I can't believe it's not butter and tea leaves.

Did you give it a go?

Can't smell any worse than Kouros!
RE: Shibden Bay Rum

Rum. You may as well make aftershave out of it, the stuff is hardly drinkable. Whiskey, that is what should be put in a glass for drinking. I sure do like Bay Rum after a good shave though.

