Shedding Simpson badger

For £50. How long will the brush last, 10, 15, 20, 30 years (I have a badger that is at least 10 years old still looks like new. my first brush, and it is a standard badger) 50 is cheap for a decent brush that will last a while, your son can have it when the time comes.
Shoot man, I am happy to pay fifty to get the brush up and running again. But a paternity suit for offspring I have no knowledge of, damn, maybe I'll go full synthetic! The undertaker can have it when I shuffle off! Yeah I'll give it a week more of wash, dry, comb and see if that helps. If not I'll send it to the mothership for rebadgeration. Where there's a will there's a relative but if someone wants to claim I'm their dad they'd better have some good fake DNA ! I just need to make sure my godson finds the true path to smoothitude. Mind you I think 14 might be a bit young for putting a straight razor into the hands of a cocky young stripling!