Shaving With a 1912 The Traditional Way

Aye..I hear You..But the blade & spine need to be flat on the Strop at All Times..The same principle applies when stropping all Blades & Straights..Its Paramount..The Stropping Handle of Course Acts as your Spine..

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Proper stropper should help ... it's on its way.
Auto Strops work well but One has to be Real Careful about the Pressure being used with them..Its very easy to Go for your life with them..Its also very easy to round an Edge off with them an All..Its all down to Learning through the Practice..There are Pros & Cons with them like anything else..

Dear all,

I had my first try with a UK Ever Ready SE 1912. Went very well.

It was picked up from here not sure of the blades that were kindly included. Think they are GEM.

Any recommendations or sources for others please?



Three Pass Shaving Routine..

Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
Ever Ready 1924
Star Cru Steel Blade x 3
Leon Hardy Pure Badger
Monsavon Bol Tallow soap
Thayers Original Witch Hazel

I had the Shave of my Life with my Ever Ready 1924 with a an Original Cru Steel Blade Tonight..The Cru Blade Totally Changes the 24 to a Super Forgiving Razor..All this Feather Like Touch Guff is Right Out the Window..The 24 isn't any more Aggressive than an English Made 1912 with a Cru Blade..Its still an Aggressive Razor for Sure as is the English 1912 but Very Smooth & Forgiving..

The 1st Pass with these Blades is very different to a Gem Blade..Some folks might describe it as being Tuggy..I had 4 days of Whiskers to Cut Down & a bit of Pressure is required with these blades..They are different Animals & require a Different Way of Shaving..I wouldn't suggest they are Tuggy..They are just different to what you are used to with a Modern Multi Faceted Blade..These Blades come into their Own in Subsequent Passes & in my opinion just Blow Away a Gem Blade for Smoothness..In Sum..The 1924 is a Super Forgiving Razor with the Blades they were Designed to Shave with..Different Animal Altogether..

I ended up with the Most Perfect Dolphin Smooth All Over BBS Result..My face is Shining like a Pair of Guardsman's Drill Boots..Its probably just about Impossible to get even a Weeper with the 1924 with these Cru Steel Blades..Pure Comfort is the Order of the Day..As I said..The Need for a Light Touch just Doesn't Apply at All..

Some Folks were asking me before about the Size of the Proper Stropping Handle to make one Up..See My Thread over in the Shave Den..

I've read those posts with great interest, Billy. For the last couple of days I've been playing with the idea of making a computer model of one and have it 3D printed. Very, very early days though

Three Pass Shaving Routine..

Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
Ever Ready Lather Catcher
Invisible Edge Stropping Blade NOS
Fichard Pure Badger
Haslinger Tallow soap
Thayers Original Witch Hazel

I just had the most Wonderful Shave of my Life with My Ever Ready Lather Catcher with an Invisible Edge Stropping Blade Today..A Dolphin Smooth All Over BBS Result..This thing just Mowed down the Whiskers like a Darn Snow Plough..One of these Stropping blades in the Ever Ready Catcher Transforms it into One Almighty Aggressive Smooth, Comfortable & Forgiving Shaver..

Its like putting a Twin Blade in a Schick Injector..Its Twice the Razor..Because of the age of the blade I gave it 10 Sets on 0.5 Micron Lapping Film just to Refresh the Edge & 20 Sets on the Nylon side the Strop & then another 20 Sets on the Leather..Awesome Sharp but very Comfortable & Forgiving..This Combo makes a Noise like Rolling Thunder..Current Gem Blades are Mediocre by Comparison..These Stropping blades are more Rigid than Gem Blades & Totally Change the Characteristic's of the Razor..Current Blades are a Step Backwards in Performance for Sure..

You are only Tapping into Shaving 1/2 the Potential of this Razor with a Current Gem Blade..The Ever Ready Lather Catcher is One Almighty Shaver when its used the Traditional Way as it was Intended..You are only Sniffing the Full Potential of this SE using a Current Gem Blade..

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Ok, now I'm totally lost as to how to strop these buggers in terms of angle. You said first that the angle was quite steep (in the photo)...? Then that the spine should lay flat..?

I have 3 blunt "GB Star" (80+ yr old) blades that came with different razors. Oddly, all my E-Rs have come in "Gillette" boxes. They are blunt, totally bluntit, and just sitting in a box.
Yesterday, I got 2 "Corrux" E-R blades (50s?). Straight out of the wrapper, they still had their factory bevel - sharp enough to grab a wet nail, and cut a pulled hair, but not sharp sharp. They had rust but not on the bevelled edge. I cleaned them with WD40 (kept away from the edge), so they'll need stropped to some degree. (I'll get a couple more Cru Steel from the same vendor next month).

I get that the older ones can be sharpened like a straight, as they have mostly lost their bevel, but the new(er) ones still have their factory set bevel. It'd be good to get both kinds pretty uniform.

Add to that, the fact that I don't have a strop (!) of any kind, or any pastes or films.

I'll rig up a cheap & basic one a soon as I can. I think to get the older ones back to shave ready, I'd need to buy some Chrome oxide or Ferric oxide or lapping paste, but maybe that would be over-kill on the newer blades - too harsh on the factory set bevel? (it'll be a while before I could get the stuff together, I'm visiting the in-laws in Norway for a christening - 3 quid a can of coke!).
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