Shaving With a 1912 The Traditional Way

Beautiful razors and great info in this thread.
I see no Damaskeen nor Streamline. What´s your take on those?

I just sold my Damskeene Closed Comb pictured here a couple of weeks ago..The Damskeene is a far Superior shaver than a Later so called New Improved 1912 with a Current Gem Blade..The Difference is still there but not so apparent with an Original Stropping Blade which is Interesting..

The Streamline is Probably the Queen Bee of the Ever Ready & Gem Razors..It was designed for a Stropping blade but it shaves so well with a Current Gem Blade that I wouldn't have it any other way..Why it shaves so well with a Current Gem blade I wouldn't know..I don't even use a Shim in this Razor..Its Quite Aggressive but Smooth & Very Forgiving all at the same time..In short..The Streamline seems to have it all..

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Thank you Billy. It didn't seem like those where not pictured for a reason different than you didn't have them and I was right ... Haha. So the Queen huh. So that it is so hard to get!
There has been plenty of Streamlines on UK EBay up for grabs recently..The prices are not that bad at the moment but it does fluctuate ..In Fact it has been Raining Streamlines ..

So, I am all leathered up and stropping hard.
Working on the Rolls currently.
I see a number of different systems about for stropping these.
I am sure that they are all the same. Aren't they?
I have some star blades and a speedway.
I can use any old stropping handle, right?
Or is there a decent diy method?
In short..No You Cant..Most Stropping Handles doesn't fit Cru Steel Stropping Blades for a 1912 because most of them you see are for Hollow Ground Blades...Moreover the proper one is set at a Different Bevel Setting that's Correct for the 1912 Stropping Blades as in the Pic I have shown..

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Calani Tulach Ard shaving soap
Omega Hi-brush
Ever-Ready 1912 British Made
Ever-Ready Corrux blade (1)
Cella Eau de Lavande after shave

I have now finished my first shave with one of my newly acquired Ever-Ready Corrux blades. I can't believe the condition they are in:

Yesterday I put some electrical tape on the spine of one of the blades, a bit wider than the blade itself, so can I use the tape to hold the blade. I then gave the blade a good stropping on an old loom strop I own for AD related reasons. I did about 150 laps on the strop and declared the blade shave ready. This stropping by hand is awkward and I can't wait to get the automatic stropper Paul will lend me.
Lately I've been using a big stainless steel handle on my 1912 and I like that combination a lot, but for today's shave I put the original chain link handle on, just to feel a bit more retro. Halfway through the shave I switched back to the stainless handle. I just prefer it at the moment.
As I usually shim my GEM blades the shave with the stropping blade was not dissimilar in shaving angle. With the stroppig blade in, the 1912 cuts hair even with the head completely flat on your face. The blade is very smooth. No tugging whatsoever. It felt so smooth I thought it would be almost impossible to cut myself - and I didn't. Not a weeper in sight after four passes WTG/XTG/XTG/ATG. Alum block and after shave had no complaints whatsoever. Maybe I have been spoiled by the results the Bunny V3 gives, but the result was disappointingly mostly BBS with a few areas only qualifying as DFS. Maybe a question of angle, maybe the blade needs more stropping. For now I'm impressed with a blade that is about 80 years old. I have some Dovo red and black strop pastes (again for AD related reasons) and will make my self two more strops with those pastes. I'm quite confident that I'll have a lot of fun with those blades.
Good Report...Not sure about the Couple Bits of Tape..The Stropping handle/AutoStropper ensures the Correct Bevel Setting for these Blades..You will have Changed the Bevel Setting...You would need a lot more Tape than that to Shim the Blade to the Correct Bevel..I will find how much Tape folks need to Do this Correctly that Haven't a Stropping Handle by setting it up next to my own Stropping Handle..You were way out there..

It is quite a steep angle isn't it?
Any chance of a rough measurement as to the diameter of the 'tube'?
I was Gonna Do that but cant find my ruler..Yeah...Stropping them with a Couple of layers of tape just doesn't Cut it..Way out by a Mile..I have already spoken about this..More Layers of Tape probably wont do it any way..It might though..I will get back to you on the measurement..

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I didn't use the tape to set the angle. I think if you did that the edge wouldn't even touch the strop. I used the tape to get a grip on the blade. I examined the bevel with a loupe and then stropped the blade at an angle that made sense to me. It seems to have worked as the blade was cutting arm hair better than before. Due to the tape handles I wasn't able to use much pressure when stropping (the tape twists), a lot less than I reckon a blade gets in an autostropper, judging by my experience with the Valet. With my gentle stropping I guess I would have needed way more laps to get the best result, but I just couldn't do any more. Then I recklessly decided to have a go with the blade today. I'm glad I did.