Shaving With a 1912 The Traditional Way

Darn, my speedway seems good enough to shave with.
I thought I could finish off the blade in my 1912...... or the Injectomatic ...... or the Pal adjustable.....
I thought I wouldn't be able to use the stropping blades as I don't have any stropping stuff yet.
(I need to work on that one soon)
*shakes head at self*
I just know I can't resist giving it a go.
(I knew I shouldn't have had a look)
Yeah..I don't know what these Speedway blades are like as I haven't used one but if its in good condition the edge should be able to be brought back the same as I described..Its So Darn Easy..You need the Kit is All & the Will to stick you're Toe in the Water..Its very Rewarding..

Yes, it is my next step is stropping.
I have a Rolls and a Hjleaglbergenberg and a Kamisori, now these.
Haven't had the time to sit and think about it yet.
Been reading this with interest and it got me thinking of the drawer full of dreaded Durhams I've got. Maybe if I messed around doing this to 1 of their blades I might manage an at least comfortable shave.
Been reading this with interest and it got me thinking of the drawer full of dreaded Durhams I've got. Maybe if I messed around doing this to 1 of their blades I might manage an at least comfortable shave.
I have No Idea how these blades keep over the years to be honest..I have seen some of the Older Valet Blades for example in terrible condition..The SE Stropping Blades for the razors I am talking about here were still on the shelves well into the 1930s at least..As long as the edge is not pitted or corroded you should be able to bring it back..

Oh I'm talking about the Durham doggy blades - supposedly carbon so I'm thinking a quick blast on balsa might ( hopefully ) improve them. I love the history and design of these razors - just wish I could shave with one
Oh I'm talking about the Durham doggy blades - supposedly carbon so I'm thinking a quick blast on balsa might ( hopefully ) improve them. I love the history and design of these razors - just wish I could shave with one
You need to get some Personna Pathology blades. Everything else is awful. If your' 'doggy blades' are dog dresser blades step away from them. Worst blades ever. Problem is, you can't buy pathology blades. They are not sold to the general public. I got a single one from Paul once and they are OK. The DD razors are fascinating but a pain in the arse to use today.
Business idea: Find a couple of thousand pathology blades for cheap and make a profit by drip feeding them to DD owners
Mm the place where I work has a metallurgy lab so a word with them about suppliers might be in order. I've got 1 pathology blade from the same source ( awful nice chap ) but am loathe to use it in case I like it and can't get any more.
Mm the place where I work has a metallurgy lab so a word with them about suppliers might be in order. I've got 1 pathology blade from the same source ( awful nice chap ) but am loathe to use it in case I like it and can't get any more.
You need to use the blade. That's the only way to find out if it is worth chasing more. Better than not using the Duplex at all. I came to the conclusion that you can get a decent shave out a Durham Duplex, but not good enough to go on a big blade hunt. YMMV.