shaving the scrotum

In Southampton, there is/was an annual nude cycle ride through the city. One year, I was held up at a junction intersecting the ride route and had a front row view of all those nude cyclists riding by. At the tail end were two guys clearly more interested in being naked in public than in cycling. They got to chatting with a young woman right outside my car door - she wanted a photo of herself between the two naked guys. One of them - I couldn't help innocently noticing - was wearing a silver snake wound round and round his dick.

I wondered then and I wonder still - what kept the snake in place? A precise degree of lazy lob would not be possible for the entire bike ride - a couple of hours at least. Nails, screws and staples are out for obvious reasons. Glue would be very painful later.

Does anyone wear such a decoration? and thus know what keeps them in place? What are they called and where does one buy them? Or was his snake like Mikael's lizard?

Seems there is such a thing as a penis snake for real (Google it), but I am talking about a silver one.

I've been going pubicly bald in the summer for decades but let it grow back for warmth in the winter. A designer-beard trimmer does the job efficiently and safely.

Slim adjustable on 3 - Our lass asked and I was so stunned by the show of interest I said ...OK!*
Shaving Oil only rather than soap and the alum was an experience.

*The interest was short lived.
imagine using a straight edge 0.o wouldnt like to be knocked of guard with that.
Hair trimmers no1 for me makes u smoothe XD
I use clippers, I like it to be short when on holidays, get enough chaffing jumping in and out of pools/sea the walking around for miles in hot weather, last thing I want my group of friends to experience is a hot sweaty pubic hair floating on top of a pool or the bed kind of gross I reckon!

Anyway I start with clippers and leave it at a three then get some nair sensitive, don't be fooled smells like strong ammonia regardless of being marketed sensitive, then I don't slap it on as would go the burger sauce on a Big Mac but instead smear it on the tips of the hair followed by a cold rinse very soon after result short no nicks and no ticks
I'm a ball trimmer rather than a shaver but if I fancied the freshly shorn look (and Doctor Evil assures us it's quite breathtaking) I'd be keeping a nice benign cartridge for that job. You're brave, no doubt about that. Maybe a Gillette Tech would be the ideal tool for the tool, it shouldn't bite if you're careful.
I much prefer going to the barbers for this. Our local guy is very much the modern man and keeps a special chair at the main window fitted with gynaecological stirrups. He says the sight of customers with legs akimbo has helped trade no end. He does a range of styles, from a James Dean, to a Comb- Over for the less fortunate follicley challenged punter. Pics to follow.

The coming ice age?

You probably don't even got hair down there, so no wonder you don't shave there.