Shaving Shops in Birmingham (UK)

There's some posh shops which will sell some posh smellies.

But, there's a large West Indian community in Birmingham and some of the shops that cater for their hair needs can throw up some very nice products. Florida Water (Murray & Lanman) and Kananga Water. also worth trying is Benjamin's Bay Rum as an aftershave. You can sometimes find some of those old UK Wilkinson Sword blades too.

Florida Water is very nice. Oranges and spices.

Bring good Ju Ju.
Sadly,for it's size,Birmingham is devoid of good shaving shops,Hollingsworth's Tobacconists in the Great Western Arcade has some stuff but they charge an astronomical £15.99 for a tub of Vulfix shave cream.
There's a large TK Maxx by New Street Station which is always worth a look and the indoor market, also by the station, has a small stall of shaving stuff,creams,blades etc,nothing fancy though.

Missues works in Brum and shes been scouring the place for stuff for me.. Save for an over priced puck of Col Conk shes never found anything of interest..

Wolves used to have a Tobacconist who sold Proraso , Merkur , Vulfix , Musgo Real .. Id just discovered the place and 2-3 weeks later he was forced to close.
Bloody annoying.
ok that was the saturday that was.

went to the tobacconists as recommended and confirm: proraso green, vulfix creams, a couple of brushes and a few Merkur razors and blades. all the goods were 'top dollar' prices, but it was worth going in for that ready rubbed smell - aahh!!!!!

Popped over to Crabtree & Evelyn and was ordered by mrs m to 'just bloody buy something as you've dragged me all the way over here!' so i picked up a wooden bowl of Sienna soap (£11) as it was pretty nice, especially compared to Nomad - imho.

got some Old Spice Original & deo at Bodycare (£4.99 for 150ml & £1.49 repectively - cheapest in town).

finally went to a discount toiletry store called 'Savers', they were doing small sticks of Erasmic for 0.69p and tubes of the cream for about a quid. i didn't buy, but now i am regretting it as a whiff of one of the sticks screamed out the memory of going to the barbers with my dad in accrington as a little 'un! i should have bought some just to smear around my office walls at work, just to let 'em know - this is 'man space'!!

and finally, went passed a barbers on temple street called 'jacks of london', they were offering straight shaves with hot towels for £25.