Shaving scuttle (picture heavy)



just thought i would show a picture of my new scuttle from potter Steve Woodhead...i asked Steve if he made scuttles as i found none available in the Uk to buy. i saw some of his work on ebay and he has generously obliged.

Altho still waiting delivery i am excited to see it in the flesh...Steve can be contacted at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> if anyone is interested

he also has designed 2 mugs as well to run along with this...i also suggested he makes a soap dish for grating sticks of tabac into (i have sent off 9 sticks this last week and awaiting more to come)

Sorry about the pictures if too much to handle

prices for these

Shaving Mug/bowl 10cm x 7 cm £12 + p&p

Funky Mug/bowl 10cm x 8 cm £15 + p&p - the feet are great to cup in the hand for a firm grip

Shaving scuttle 11cm wide £30 + p&p

i like the idea he is uk is very quick as i have had stuff before...give him a try and buy British

an update he has just listed one on ebay number 270544460823
Re: Shaving mugs (picture heavy)

and here are his mugs

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well arrived here this morning..superbly packed and pristine...nice one Royal Mail

here are a few picture for scale...i know Steve has been contacted to make a larger one and colours seem to be an issue,,,but everyone is different
Looks great. Apart from it's practical use it is a fine piece of pottery.

I'll be interested to hear how you get on with the actual lathering. The ridges inside the bowl should make it much easier to create fine lather.
well just road tested this piece of kit....used hot water from tap...sort of water that hurts after 3 ...4 seconds

used CE Sienna soap using r/l swirls to fill brush Semogue as in picture ( man i luv this brush)...a few drops of more hot added to bowl and walla tons of warm lather

1 quick swipe with d89l and re applied...still nice and warm...same again another swipe

dont usually do 3 passes...but still plenty of warm lather...this is my first scuttle but very pleasurable imho
These look really good. My Mrs. has said I can have one for my impending birthday but I don't know whether I should go for the Shave Bowl or the Scuttle?

I'm not sure that I would use or need the scuttle but the bowl would be a definite step-up from the soup bowl I currently use :lol: