Shaving out in the wild.

Me and the wild don't mix... if it ain't a luxury hotel room with an en-suite then I don't go there.

Personally, I have thought that it would be better to shave with a ruddy great knife... like the cowboys do!
Synthetic brush (Kent) as it dries faster, Palmolive stick, Boots plastic DE with blade of choice and a box to transport it in or the blade will snag on the brush, Alum block and a little witch hazel. Cold water shave would be fine while roughing it, I'd take a wash cloth rather than need to have a wash bowl as you can pop that in a mug.
The future of shaving could be in your hands.

Its in your hands. You must shave in the wild and teach the young ones.

Keep it simple, cheap and realistic. The lads will enjoy it.
I've got some great ideas off this thread guys, thanks. I like the idea of using a collapsible bowl, or a flannel out of a mug. I wasn't sure if it would be better to ask this on a bushcraft forum instead, but it looks like theres a lot of experienced outdoorsmen on here. With regards to the stick, what do you guys think of Arko instead of palmolive? I've never tried it but hear its citronella, which could help keep the mossies away.

Have you thought about a citrus based EDT, or a Lemon cologne, they may last a little longer scent wise.

What do you have in mind? Knowing my luck, I'll pick something that'll have them swarming me.

Just searched eBay how about this

It seems to be documented that lemon cologne keeps mossies at bay, worth a punt ?

Is that a Springer in you avatar. We have a 16 week old Springer, mad as a bag of monkey's.
Thanks for that. That stuff looks good. I'll do some searches on it and see what people think of it. It looks well established in Turkey so I can imagine its worth the money considering how cheap it is- I found a litre bottle of the stuff for £9 on Amazon! I've always liked citrus scents so I may just take a chance on it.

My dogs an English working cocker spaniel. Hes got the springer colours and look, but quite a bit smaller. And yes, hes absolutly mental. Speaking of which, the poor ol boy is off to the vets tomorrow for an operation that he'll never forgive me for...

Edit; Theres a discussion on lemon colognes going on right now;

I think a few people on here like it, and seem to think it worth the money.

Our dog won't be working but you can see even at 16 weeks the instinct is strong. Get him near long grass and he's in, nose down and running through it. We had a Cocker years ago, he was mental, but the Springer has the edge. Ours will be off for the same op in a few months, doubt it will calm him down though.
I think at that price, I'll certainly be picking some up next month- I've already blow this months shaving budget.

Yeah, I'm not too hopeful of the op calming mine down either, although hopefully it'll stop the randy bugger humping my Mrs leg 1 week of the month. They're a great breed though aren't they, I've no regrets with my boy.
The most camping I do is the Cropredy Festival every year, but I generally find my butler has room in his backpack for my shaving kit & the water carrying/heating duties are dealt with by one of the Sherpas (although not the one carrying my full length mirror, of course); post shave facial massage & skin treatment is handled by Britt, my Swedish personal assistant, whilst her twin sister fans me gently with a copy of The Times & serenades me with selections from Sondheim musicals - it is a chore, admittedly, but one gets used to hardships... :-/

Meanwhile, back in the real world, I don't shave when camping...:blush:

Yourself and Antdad make a good point about not bothering with it. Its not something I would do every time I go out camping. But just every now and then I figured it would make for an interesting shave, with a beautiful view while being close to nature. The reality is probably a lot different to the fantasy, but it would be a good experience to try nonetheless.