Shaving mug cleaning

El Perelló , Spain
Hi , i have an old spice mug with a puck of soap in it , do you rinse out the excess foam after use or do you just let it dry.
The other soap i use was in a plastic winkisons bowl that i used to just put under the tap after i had finished to wash the foam away , is this the correct way.
I'd rinse it, shake off excess water, and leave to dry. I pretty much asked the same question about my wooden bowl and the thread was a 5 pager, but wood has to be looked after a little more. With a mug you don't have those issues.

Some people advocate just leaving it to dry as it is... nothing wrong with that either.
Blyth Spirit said:
I generally leave mine to dry as it is. The outside of the bowl is generally rinsed and dried though.


If there is any dry stuff left next time you use the soap then it will just get re-activated and added to your lather,
Waste not want not!
