shaving junky

As Vinny previously mentioned, I do something similar. Generally morinings are a single pass SAS as it is just for work, then about 3 or 4 times a week I have fuller, more relaxed evening shaves, as there is less time constraint.

I have never been one to try and get BBS everyday, don't have the time, inclination or the need :ugeek:
I shave in the morning, and that's goog enough for the work day, but I sometimes shave if I am going out in the evening.

If I acheive a completely smooth shave in the morning, then there is no need to shave in the evening.

Guess it's maybe a generational practise as I guess I'm in the age bracket of Vinny (not Joe's) older relatives. If I'm going out I just have a one pass wtg in the morning, then a decent shave after shower in the evening.

JohnnyO said:
Guess it's maybe a generational practise as I guess I'm in the age bracket of Vinny (not Joe's) older relatives. If I'm going out I just have a one pass wtg in the morning, then a decent shave after shower in the evening.


I should imagine most of the women standing on either side of you in the Post Office queue will be sporting full beards at their age. So I think you're pretty safe with a one-pass in the morning.

(Apologies, Johnny O. That was uncalled for.)
If I am going out in the evening I will have a good close 3 pass shave in the morning with an against the grain pass, that will usually get me through without a shadow appearing later in the day. Most work days a two pass shave means that I will have the 5 o'clock shadow but that does not bother me.

Never had the need to do two shaves in a day, perhaps my facial hair just grows slower.