Shaving irritation-Beginner help

Hi all,

I said in my intro thread that it wouldn't be long before I was asking annoying questions! I know it's difficult but can anyone advise how I can minimise the irritation shown below in the picture please?

It's my third DE shave using an EJ89 razor, Astra blades and TOBS cream. I'm just doing two passes WTG,obviously lathering for both. I rinse the cream off with warm water and then with cold at the end of my shave, and then use Body shop razor relief cream.

It's a lot more sore than it looks so I'll have to have an electric shave in the morning
My suggestions, like others who'll come along...less pressure - just let the weight of the razor do the work, make sure the blade angle is right when you apply the razor to your face...around 30 degrees. if you haven't already check out Mantic59 and Geofatboy vids on Youtube...a lot of useful tips for a close comfortable shave on there.
As the gents said previously less pressure, let the weight of the razor do the work all you need to do is guide it in the right direction, the weight of the EJ89 is perfect for this.
Also make sure your shaving prep is good, maybe use an oil lightly under the cream in spots that are prone to irritation this will help no end!

You might also want to try a different blade, Astras don't work for me at all no matter how I shave! Maybe try a Derby or Gillete 7 o'clock??
if you feel the weight of the razor or think you can use less you are using way to much pressure

try to shave with a feather touch and aim to remove lather not stubble
Along with the tips above, whats your pre-shave "ritual"? Are you shaving fresh out of the shower/in the shower? Are you using face soap before you lather up?

My skin is pretty oily and I find that I must wash my face with a face soap (i use Cetaphil don't know if it is available in England) before I shave or I get similar looking "breakouts" on my face.
Hello Andy, for what it's worth " Don't go back too Electric shave" no no no....

My advise would be Preparation, Preparation, Preparation and NO pressure. Try adding a few drop's of Water soluble Glyerine oil too your shaving cream.

You may also consider a DE blade sample pack (different blades) try Connought's shaving (Paul) is a member here..... will also give good advise.

Charles U.K
I used to get the same thing with cartridge or electric, proper sore!
Less pressure is a definite as you've probably gathered, good preparation as well but don't forget the after-care. I go over all my sensitive areas with an alum block every time I shave and a good quality moisturising balm. I've never used the BodyShop one just Nivea and Clinique, so no idea of it's relative performance.
All of the above.
Warm up my face with a hot wet flannel before I start (as hot as I can stand), put on some Proraso pre-shave... wait a bit... attention to good lathering. All the above stuff above shaving technique... lots of cold water splashed on when I've finished, then a wet alum block over all the shaved bits... then some balm.

If it doesn't go right on any particular day, don't panic... sometimes I try out something new and it doesn't go well.

I've done as bad and worse than your pic in my first few shaves... after only a few short months it's now a delight (99% of the time)
I think you're making the same mistake most of us have made...pressing on in the mistaken belief that it will get a you a smooth shave in one go....and that the firmer the pressure the closer the shave.....Thats just about impossible, well it is with my skin and old silver whiskers anyway...

DE shaving is all about bristle reduction...each pass making the stubble a little shorter, until smooth skin is achieved...You'll soon get the hang of isn't rocket science..

SO..........As the other guys have said..lighter strokes...try for shorter strokes as well, not long sweeping ones, and try not to go over areas that doesn't have soap on, I know its tempting... the ..."I'll just get that little bit of stubble thats left"....Don't do it, wet the skin with a dab of soapy water on the finger tips first....

I would be inclined to try a sharper blade too...Gillette yellows spring to mind...they're my go to everyday blade,.. they may not suit you, but maybe worth a try.........

Are we confusing you?....when it all clicks into place....and it will... you'll love it, and never look back.......
Electric razors actually change the stubble on your face. It will take time for the hairs to re adjust to DE. It did on mine, when I went back to electric my stubble became really short and prickly and hard to remove with a razor. Once it stopped I was all ok.

Bear that in mind as well as what others have said above. Also make sure you don't repeat an area without any product. I would also purchase a small tube of witchhazel from Bodycare and use that on your neck.
I would give yourself a couple of days off ( if you can) from shaving to let your skin recover, then try again. Thiis will also let you look at your growth direction again for beard mapping to make sure you are shaving WTG in all areas.

Aim for a comfortable shave initially, use witch hazel after a cold water rinse.
As others said, pressure is likely your greatest enemy..
I doubt you're actually going WTG all over - the neck is an area where many chaps have weird changes of grain direction and swirls. Excessive pressure and maybe too sharp a blade angle are the other likely causes - try shaving with the razor handle closer to being parallel with the floor rather than nearly vertical.