Shaving Frequency ?????

Not really, a jar of soap or creme goes a long way.
I don't get the Dan and Dandy thing? Must be some English thing or so?
I had to shave twice a day in the military and kept doing it when I retired.

I can't shave my face everyday, but I do shave my head daily. I hate a MPB shadow on my head so that has to be totally free of stubble everyday, but if I'm being honest it doesn't bother me if the beard gets a bit gruff-like. Like you say maybe it's a Brit thing?
Not really, a jar of soap or creme goes a long way.
I don't get the Dan and Dandy thing? Must be some English thing or so?
I had to shave twice a day in the military and kept doing it when I retired.
Yes Desperate Dan is a cartoon character in a kid's comic called The Dandy - he is a tough guy cowboy who eats 'cow pie' and looks as if he needs a blow torch to shave! Google him! And it's more of a Scottish thing as the comic is produced in Dundee in Scotland!
He DOES use a blowtorch to shave - along with a broken bottle!

It's probably an urban myth but the story is told that on the morning of 16th April 1912, the 'Dundee Courier' (a publication from the D.C. Thomson stable, publishers of the 'Dandy') carried the headline 'Dundee Man Lost at Sea'.
Every two days for me. I don't need to shave for work and when I shave I like to take my time and enjoy it. I can't shave in the morning. Too bleary eyed.
Being 'older' I make a point of shaving daily. Not to, I see as being one step away from not changing my underwear and then walking around with my fly down and pee stains on my pants[emoji33]

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Every day, I enjoy it.


In a previous life, I used a Gillette cartridge, Gillette Sensitive gel, pressure, and ATG in places. Average to Decent shave quality with rash, irritation, etc plus needed a day off or. Today, I use a "milder" razor (Seygus, Goodfella OC), Derby & Personna Med prep blades (some Wilkinson's still in mix), badger and synthetic brushes, tried over 10 different creams, WTG + XTG. Enjoyable and daily shaver. No issues.
I shave daily, the exception being the weekend, when I might skip a day, and also shift my routine a bit. For example, I like to shave Saturday night, then Monday morning, skipping the Sunday shave.

I don't have irritation problems (anymore). Do 3 passes, but I don't aim for BBS. I just found my ideal razor (Merkur Futur) and anything else does not matter to me. I usually mix soaps a lot, so they don't really represent such an important factor. As long as I'm using the same razor, I'm always getting great shaves.