Shaving bumps

Re the Gold Dollar razor Drewbie suggested.If you like this idea then be sure to find out if it is actually shave ready.Buy from a seller who has actually prepared the razor to be shave ready.Or look on The invisible edge for one.Cheers,Jack.
I'm prone to similar irritation.
Things that helped me greatly:

Beard mapping, make sure the 1st pass is actually with the grain, my neck growth is all over the place. Taking the time to follow it faithfully made a surprising difference.

Try a cold water shave, still use hot water prep e.g. shower. Then cold water face splash & only use cold water during the shave. Works for me & costs nothing to try.

Perhaps put your name down for the newbie pass around box? I believe there is a mild De to try with some blades & soap samples. A great resource provided by the generosity of TSR members past/present.
I have tried shaving actually in a hot bath/shower in the past few days rather than after and have found out that this definitely helps reduce irritation for me. As for clearing up bumps: 5 drops of tea tree oil added to two teaspoons of olive oil and applied with a cotton swab does wonders as does witch hazel.
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