Shaving bumps

Afternoon chaps
Just thought I'd post asking for abit of advice,
Since changing to shaving with a shavette (I know I know ) my skin has been a lot clearer and healthier looking.
However I can't seem to get rid of little red bumps around my neck.
I do all the obvious prep prior to shaving , hot shower and face scrub, currently using arko shaving soap and finishing with alum block and lucky tiger face tonic, like I say my face feels smooth and soft i just can't get rid of these pesky red spots.
Does anyone else suffer with this and what remedy worked best for yourselves?
I'm debating trying the White proraso shaving soap and maybe even the pre shave cream.
Any suggestions welcome
Many thanks all
This is something I've struggled with for years and wet shaving has definitely helped, but theres still some noticeable bumps there.

I've made it my mission lately to solve the problem, and in the last week I've seen good improvements. First, remap your hair growth all over your face but pay more attention to the area on your neck you're having issues with. I printed out one of the face maps you can find online, and mark the growth directions so you don't forget.

I've only been doing 2 wtg passes in my problem area, rather than my previous 3 (1 wtg, 2 xtg)

Remember use no pressure. When I read that people say use no pressure, I thought I was. But use even less that you think you should. Go really easy and take your time when shaving your neck. Do whatever you can to make sure you have the best surface to shave, pull your skin or whatever it takes..... And use no pressure!!!

If you're doing your third pass, you can still put lather on the area, I like to think it helps my skin, but it probably doesn't. Then just wash it off when your done. Then wash with cold water to make sure all the soap is gone. Use your alum block on the area then after a minute wash that off. Because I have such sensitive skin, I skip an aftershave splash and use the Nivea sensitive aftershave balm everyone uses, that also seems to help somewhat.

And as Drew says, maybe try a different soap, you could have some alergies that you don't know of and it could be flaring that area up, I've found the palmolive shave stick to be particularly good for me. My aim has been to keep my routine as simple as possible and it's really working so far.
Because I have such sensitive skin, I skip an aftershave splash and use the Nivea sensitive aftershave balm everyone uses, that also seems to help somewhat.
Good advice, Steve. Especially the advice to use NO PRESSURE! But be aware that (despite the name) Nivea sensitive balm gives quite a few people bad reactions. The only substance know to shavekind that makes my face break out in a rash. So try changing every bit of your routine. And use NO PRESSURE. The NO in NO PRESSURE doesn't mean 'little' or 'just enough', it means NO. NONE. NADA. If you need pressure, something else is amiss (angle, blade, lather, whatever).
Happy shaves.
I definitely agree with @riverrun on nivea sensitive good shave or bad shave that stuff burns my neck worst then an alum block. I now use witch Hazel which helps my red bumps on lower left side of my neck. I have not tried lucky tiger face tonic so dont know if it the same as witch Hazel.
The lucky tiger face tonic works really well on my face and neck tbh. I'm hoping the change of shaving soap will be the last piece in the puzzle haha
You are shaving too close. Period. Forget the obsession with BBS. IMO, ditch the shavette and get a DE that is mild.
Any suggestions on where to start ? Without sounding like a complete numpty could it not be achieved with a straight or something like a feather artist club ss? Or are they simply to harsh?