Shave station


Right, I've ordered from this site in the past and I know hey are held in quite high regard.
My latest order has not arrived, and there's no sign of it in the mail at all.
I've contacted the business, they emailed me back once saying very little, since then they have stopped answering my emails and won't answer the phone.
Anybody experiences anything similar or could recommend what to do next?
Paid by debit card, they apologised for the parcel still not arriving and assured me they had indeed posted it.
That's fine, but a couple more weeks and a couple more emails from me have gone by.
Nothing. no more replies, no answering the phone and no parcel.
I understand it's unfortunate if the parcel was lost in the mail, it happens. But complete silence and no replies surely isn't on?
My main priority is coming to some agreement with these people about my purchase.
If you don't hear anything from them soon, then posting on this forum and ATG should bring more pressure to bear than filing a claim. You may lose your hard earned money, but they'll lose their reputation and their business.

That's what I'm hoping. I know this place is high profile and reckon either they or someone close to them will see this.
Unfortunately for the vendor proof of postage is not proof of delivery. You have proof of payment. They should at the very least offer you either a full refund or dispatch a new item in my opinion. Not corresponding makes the matter worse. Things go missing in the post all too frequently. Did they provide tracking details? If they did they can see if the package was delivered or not. The buyer usually cannot with RM. Tracking is for the benefit of the poster. Have you checked their website to check the procedure adopted by the seller in such cases? When buying online I use Paypal. They almost always come down on the side of the buyer in such cases and usually demand a refund to the buyer. I hope it gets resolved to the satisfaction of both parties soon.
I bought a brush from them in the new year which had a manufacturing fault.
My return was processed quickly & courteously.

I enquired about something last week and in the reply it was mentioned that they had been away & apologised for not answering as quickly as they would have liked. So that might explain it?

I've had nothing but great service from shave station & I've been a pain in the arse customer at times.
I would send a new message from your account & also a text message to the mobile number on the site.
Also active on Facebook if you have an account.

I feel sure it will be sorted when they get the fresh prod, sincerely hope so.
Hope it gets sorted soon. I've always had great service from them - hopefully they will put things right. In situations like this, I would always expect an offer of either a full refund or to resend the goods at vendors expense
I had a similar situation as the OP last year.
I placed an order with them and didn't anything for over a week.
I did receive an email from them saying they were on holiday but there was a banner across their website saying they wouldn't be processing an orders.
Now I take total responsibility for not noticing the notice. In my defence I tend to use my phone to order stuff so it was easily missed.
The order was processed quickly on their return.

Disclaimer: This is not a direct attack on Shave Station. Just a general little rant about online stores and the way of the world.
I work for a manufacturing company and have to deal with rude arseholes (sorry valued customers) demanding their orders. So I do have some sympathy.....

Now I've seen mentioned on previous posts about the couple being on holiday.
I'm going to sound very harsh but online shopping (like money) never sleeps or God forbid takes a holiday.

I know I know. I'm coming across as a total bastard but if you run an online store you can't close.

I'm afraid I'm consumer and I want my stuff now!

'Mr ray of sunshine'.