Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 9th October 2010

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joe mcclaine

Razor: Wilkinson Hydro 3
Brush: Simpson T2
Soap: D R Harris Almond
Aftershave: Taylor's #74

Nothing to report on shaving front.

Today I am off to Nottingham's Goose Fair - the largest traveling fair in Europe. Dates back to Saxon times when us peasants would be allowed to buy a goose to fatten up for Yule instead of eating one of our children.

Then it's off to Watnall Rd to watch the mighty yellows against Natwich Town.

Trumper Razor
Gillette Swede
New Forest 2201
Castle Forbes Lavender Shaving Cream
D.R. Harris Bay Rum a/s (sample)

The Bay Rum is a bit clovey. I'm getting wary of Bay Rum, as the last time I wore some one of the girls at work asked if I'd been eating Herbal Tablets.


Allen & Son 6/8
Boots Cool Cologne Cream
Vulfix 2235
OS whitewater

The Test Shave
Time to take my 1st honed razor through its paces. 1st off it was a 2 and a bit pass shave and even with my Neil honed razors that's a DFS at best. This one was not quite the level of closeness I would achieve by doing that but not far off, the level of sharpness however was not there with a little pulling. Consistency across the blade was variable with the centre being sharpest, then the heal and lastly the toe. The razor has a smile which I believe is intentional, and I understand that will have contributed to this inconsistency. There was however no irritation, nicks or burn from this shave which I suppose is a good result! None the less its back to the hones to try and resolve the "issues".

Hot towel & watery lather
Body Shop Maca Root cream
New Forest 2201
Feather AS
Feather blade
Body Shop Razor Burn Relief ASB

Lovely. I felt before that the Feather razor and blade combination hits the sweet spot for me, and having not used it for a few days it proved me right. The Body Shop cream and ASB is very pleasant to use, and the result was a very comfortable and close shave. Once I've used the samples which I managed to blag, I may buy some.


Saturday, 10-09-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Rooney 1/3 Silvertip - Merkur 25C - Shark #1 - Pre PREP - Sir Irisch Moos shaving soap - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Sir Irisch Moos + ASB Institut Karité.

Saturday Afternoon:

    • - Vie Long 13723 Horse hair with 23mm knot
      - Boots' Cool Cologne shave cream
      - Merkur 42 - 1904 Classic
      - Tweet Dura Sharp
      - Lilac Humphreys' Witch Hazel
      - Alcolado Glacial AS splash
        • "the air conditioner in a bottle"[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Saturday Midday.

Hot shower
Proraso pre-shave
Col. Conk Bay Rum (great stuff)
Omega 10005 brush
Wilkinson sword classic (3)
Merkur slant razor
Trumpers sandlewood skin food (sample)
Proraso A/S
Body shop Macca root moisturiser.

The wilkinson sword blade seems to work well in the slant razor, a lovely 2 pass shave ATG x2.
First time Ive used the col. conk glycerine soap and I found it to be absolutly fantastic stuff, I put the puck in a normal mug and half filled wth warm water to soften for a few minutes, soaked the brush for a while, chucked the water in the mug and then worked it for 30 seconds with the brush, transfered the brush to my shaving bowl adding a little water until I got a lovely thick lather, I could even be tempted to say this is better than MB's soap? the smell of Bay rum was just right too, not too strong, just about perfect really, I dont think I would change a thing.
Since changing my mixing bowl from glass to a s.steel one (health&safety) :lol: the steel dosnt hold the heat so my lather is always cold, I filled a cappucino mug with red hot water and then placed my s.steel bowl on top after mixing the lather, heated it up nicely, I shall be doing this every shave from now on.
Trumpers skin food is lovely but I find it leaves my face a little dry/tight so I still haveto put moisturiser on, all in all a damn fine shave 4.8 out of 5.
Saturday, 10.9.10

Aura Glow as a Pre Shave Oil
MEM w/Olive Oil Shave Cream
Simpson's Ehsan #1
Kirschbaum Diamondine 11/16ths
SRD Premium I Strop .. 40 Linen/82 Leather
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal

The chicken represents what's for dinner tonight... Not this particular chicken, but a relative... and I'm up for cookin' duties, so on the grill he goes!

du212: that shoulderless Taylor is a strikingly handsome razor, sir.
Jeltz: you are doing very well with the honing, so please give yourself a pat on the back. It sounds as if you are within an ace of producing an edge which will satisfy you, and there's no "suppose" about it, that was a good result.
BlacknTan: what's the penknife, if you don't mind me asking?

My intention was to submit an extra Manly SOTD photo today, but my wife has put her foot down and gone out, taking the camera with her. I didn't put up a fight: I know my place. Text mode again today:


New Forest silvertip
Buddel 5/8 French point in amboyna

Tabac soap and aftershave

The new brush arrived in the post this morning, and promptly got the breaking in and deodorising treatment by knocking up a bowlful of Taylor's sandalwood cream. Entirely unnecessary, as it turned out, although it did shed a couple of short 'n' curlies in the process. On first inspection, I understood the point of Fido's "labels" thread: it did look very similar to the 2201 brush, but not any more. "Bloom" is the delightfully poetic expression which is used for the way silvertip brushes open out and relax with use - well this one looks like a blooming tom cat that's just had a fright. Already. I really am going to love this one.

Other people have covered the performance angle and I concur with what has been said: it holds a lot of water and not too much should be shaken out, and it produces, releases and at the same time retains more lather than one could reasonably expect for such a modest sized brush. It's far stiffer than a BK4 (which remains my benchmark for softness of tips, though), and gets stuck into the soap as well as any best badger or boar I've come across.

So there you go, a rave review, all on the basis of one shave. I don't like to be negative, so my reviews tend to be enthusiastic, but generally there's some criticism to leaven the upbeat tone. Not in this case: in a year's time, unless it disintegrates, I fully expect to be saying that this is the best brush I own.

Now, Fido, would you mind giving it a rest for a while, please? You're eating into the cut throat razor fund.

Shulton OS pre-shave lotion
Red Tip SS
Super Thin x 2
Tabac stick
Golden Nib homemade brush
Shulton OS a\s

the pre-shave lotion is interesting, no ingredients listed but i'd guess it's basically alcohol and fragrance BUT it leaves an oil behind :?
designed for electric shaving but cleanses and deposits a pre-shave oil as well

went ATG all over which i never do for good reason
the Alum stung like a mofo
still haven't put the a\s on as i write this
in fact i might balm up instead

Edit:- man'd up and used the splash BBS

I don't mind you asking a'tall Andy..

It's a very dull butter knife that I use to lop off the cream exiting the tube... I get a nice clean end, and (generally) the correct amount. An added benefit is my wife has a set in a number of vibrant colors, and they look cool in pictures.
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