Shave of the Day, w/c Saturday 6th March 2010

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Trueffit & Hill shaving soap/Edwin and Jagger DE86 con Astra#1/22mm TGN finest badger/Clinique crema/Aqua Di Genova EDT

Edwin Jagger DE87
Bluebird (2)
Vulfix 404 Boadger
Arko Stick (milled into a bowl)
Gillette AB
Yacht Club Regatta AS

Second shave for the Bluebird and I'm glad I tried it again a very nice and close shave, these guys are sharp :shock: , combined with the Arko a very nice smooth comfortable shave, last time must have been a duff blade (not my technique then :roll: ). Another DFS+ was had.

Have a nice and pleasant evening Gents


Merkur 34c
Red Personna (1)
Speick Cream
No name Badger Brush
Speick AS

Wow, what a turn up for the books. This was the most comfortable shave vs closeness I've had. Literally 99.99% Irritation free. What a difference a good shave makes. I was almost ready to put down the DE after the last few shaves. Back to the trusty Red Personna. I half mug lathered, half face lathered and then 2 passes WTG and a pass XTG on my neck. A lot was resting on this shave for me. Maybe I just paid more attention but I seemed to be naturally correcting my blade angle (I think my angle had been too wide before causing tugging and therefore pain).

Smooth smooth smooth.

I only needed to apply some balm about a half hour after my shave because my skin felt a little tight. Minimal sting from the alum and no sting at all from the AS.

I am happy.

Edwin Jagger DE 89
Treet Carbon 'Black Beauty' (2)
ToOBS Cream 'Mr Taylor'
Vulfix 2235 Super
Boots ASB
Azzaro EDT

Well after my MMA class tonight my arms/wrists were toast, so I didn't fancy giving the Futur its 1st run and used the DE89 with the Treet Carbon blade for a 2nd time. I understand that the carbon steel rusts easily so last night I patted it dry and dried the razor before letting the fan heater in the bathroom assist the drying process. Then hand stropped and reassembled the razor and blade. I got a very good 2nd shave but ditched the blade at the end of it.
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