Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 19th June 2010

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MWF wash
Crystal (4) & Slim
P.160 & EJ BB

2 pass shave today and was quite smooth according to Mr Osma - which was nice. was toying with going for day 5 with the current blade, but to be honest, i don't think i'll risk it.

That said, dependant on the Budget today, i may not have a choice!
Tuesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Engström 6/8
Brush: Custom 24 mm two banded finest
Soap: Omega
Post: Proraso
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
Strop: Neil Miller linnen/buffalo 40/60
Result: Best in a long time - Estupendo!

First time with this razor. I´ve got another Engström that also is a very good shaver, but totaly different style of blade. I didn´t have much in it for this old girl, looks like any other german hallow type and, well, I wasn´t that impressed by the looks. But boy was I wrong about her, she´s a bless to shave with :shave :shave Neil Miller has done a wonderfull job restoring and honing her, thanks Neil!

Merkur 34c
Shark SS (2)
404 Bodger
Palmolive (Bowl) Soap

Nivea ASB
Forest Fresh AS

Another most excellent shave. I cannot fault this line up at all.

I can, however, see a radical gear change (literally) on the horizon; a dig into the recesses of the stash in the never ending search for yet another great and hopefully obscure combination.

Something for the weekend sir? Yes please, a ruddy good shake-up. (cue Pig Cat :lol: )
Razor: Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Sensor (Excel)
Brush: Simpson Tulip 2 (2-band) Super
Soap: D R Harris Almond
Afterhsave: D R Harris Pink
Cologne: Penhaligon's The Hammam Bouquet
Good morning all.

Tabac shaving soap
Men-u pure bristle brush
Feather and Futur
Proraso AS splash
GFT Coral skin food

Bit of a product overload this morning. The skin food had it's 2nd birthday on Sunday. Still about half an inch left in the bottle.
Enjoyed the Tabac. Lather everywhere!

Kent T4
Edwin Jagger Sea Buckthorn shaving soap
Puma 6/8 No. 1 full hollow
Trumper's Coral Skin Food
Terre d' Hermes cologne

Today I moved on to the Rooney 3/1 Silvertip - same size and measurements as the Pure and Best but much better. This is an excellent all round brush. But using it again made me appreciate how fussy I've become. For me, the 48mm loft is just a tad too low. I prefer a 50/52 as just the right size for face lathering depending on the density. After three days using the palmolive ( excellent as usual ) I'm starting to feel I want a change.

Kent H8, as always
Ingrams cream
Old Spice

Tried face lathering for a change. Thought as it was a sunny day with menthol cream I'd be fine with cooler lather for the second pass. I wasn't. Back to the lathering bowl for the foreseeable future.
For face lathering with a menthol product it's hard to beat this for quality or value:

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Fido said:
Margaret Thatcher used to sleep for just four hours. D o we have another politician here?

That's exactly who I thought of Fido when I saw the end of Urban's post! I reckon one thing is probably true though. Urban would probably do a better job than some of the established bods, even without any experience! Furthermore, I can see him as Minister for the environment, and making "Fresh ,cool,clear,cold wet, etc..etc.... water, cheaper,and more accessible, especially for the area where HE lives. :lol:

Hey STG, how you doin'?

Are you using your Tabac in it's stick form, or have you milled it?
Fido said:
Margaret Thatcher used to sleep for just four hours. D o we have another politician here?

... blooming luxury; the waster!

I used to average about two and a half in chunks of a couple of minutes to maybe half an hour or so. I hit the 'hallucination by sleep deprivation' stage more than a couple of times (understatement).

Hi Jeltz! just love your camel toe,Har,Har,Har. It was you who bought the Blue Stratos recently wasn't it? I remembered it from way back but couldn't remember if I liked it or not. So I went on to ,I think it is, and got them to post some to me along with the Body spray ! Yep, it's nice stuff, thanks for the info'
Hot shower
Hair conditioner
Merkur 38C
Red Personna (3)
Silvertip brush
Thayers CucumberWitch Hazel
Nivea ASB
Old Spice Fresh Lime AS

Day 3 of this set up and still good so have ordered some Personnas to use as a daily blade. Still loving the Cella and the hair conditioner seems to help glide. Crystal to try from tomorrow........

Merkur 38C
Tiger Blade
Omega 10005 brush
SCS Sun-Bleached Wood cream
DR Harris Sandalwood A/S

Good shave today. My first time using a Merkur 38C/Tiger combination, and it worked quite well. It's a good combination worthy of further trials. I'm not 100% convinced by the cream though. It's not easy to get good lather. Maybe it's just me...
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