Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 19th June 2010

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Yellow 7 o'clock (7)
Custom butterscotch silvertip from Beejay
Kenzo Air A/S
Kenzo Air EDT

My second shave with Beejay's brush. I can't believe how much better it is than every other brush I've ever had or tried. (Not that I've tried that many.) And it looks the business on the shelf. It's tipping me towards butterscotch brush AD. But I'm resisting!

    • Hi Urban! I can see some of the members wanting to order some of the things you make yourself before too long! Do you reckon you would be able to "gear up" sufficiently in order to meet their needs ?

Hi Ian ! That's amazing! Did the dialogue indicate that he knew exactly what he was doing, or do you think he made a genuine mistake, and forgot he had already applied the W/Hazel ?? I can't check because I don't have sound at the mo' :roll:

Yes. He warm rinses, applies the witch hazel, and then says "a final splash of cool water"

Merkur Slant 37G / Red Personna
Savile Row 3120 S/Tip
Erasmic cream
Old Spice Lime AS

Good evening everybody! My shave took place at 7am. 3 passes in the established fashion, touch-ups round mouth and chin produced a close and comfortable shave (CCS). Thought I 'd pull the Erasmic out and give it a re-run. Together with a very good little brush, it was very pleasant. Timing was about 10 mins, not bad at all for a work day morning !

Futur (1.5)
Gillette Super Thin Thai
No Name Badger Brush
Speick Cream
Thayers Medicated Superhazel
Old Spice Fresh Lime AS

After the arse of a shave I had at the weekend I thought I'd leave a few days and try the Super Thin in another razor. You know, not throw away a whole shitload of blades after just one shave in one razor etc :roll:

Well the difference was night and day. In my 34C the blade felt like it was tugging on every hair however in my Futur it worked a treat. Sharp yet smooth and to be honest what I've ended up with is the closest I have been to shaving perfection yet. If it wasn't for one little nick in my "problem area" this would have been a perfect BBS. Gonna open up the Futur a little more next time see if I can nail that problem spot in one pass.

I didn't need the AS, I could have walked away from the shave happy as a pig (cat) in shit however I walked away even happier because I did use it.

1947 Gillette Milord
Col Conk's Amber soap
Kent BK4
Alum Block
Thayer's Lemon Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera
Simple for Men AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman AS Lotion

Proraso pre/post
Neo custom 2 band finest
EJ Mastiff + crystal (3)
Sandalwood skin food

2 passes + minor touch up = excellent result. getting a consistently good lather from MWF now.

... um, to be totally honest: no!

Some work better than others, and some work pretty durned well, if I say so myself (and I think I can recognise my voice doing the saying ).

For most of the stuff, I don't even have standardised recipes as much as a list of ingredients in a general order of "from the most, to the least". Also some of it is so simple, pretty much anyone could make some of it. The AlumWater Spritz, in very broad terms, is bottled water supersaturated with potassium alum and then decanted into a spritzer bottle after the alum has pretty much totally settled/re-crystalised in the bottom. In Theory, I think it should mean there would be no further crystalisation which could block the spray tube.

Some of the shave oils I tried to be to complicated and they smell 'indistinct', though not 'of de stink'.

But thanks for asking, and if anyone does want to know what is used and why (if I can remember, this far along), feel free to post/message etc. I'm willing to discuss this sort of stuff too ... well, I think I am anyway.

Just thought I'd ask... ......aren't I awful :lol:

Edwin Jagger DE89 with super thin #2
Vulfix 2235 super
Palmolive soap and 4/5 drops of glycerine
Witch Hazel
Gillette ASB
Aquatonic AS

Smooth and comfortable. I've read about using a few drops of glycerine when making a lather so I thought I'd give it a try. Palmolive is one of my main stay soaps and one I can get a good lather from easily however tonight's was a seriously slick lather don't think I've had a better one before! I shall have to try the glycerine trick with other soaps and creams!
Monday Night:

  • - cold cold clear water
    - Erasmic Sensitive Skin shave oil (£!.49 at Savers, purchased Sunday past)
    - Ingrams cream with Omega Pro 49
    - 1940s Gillette English Tech with non-anorexic handle with a fresh Rainbow Super Stainless
    - AlumWater Spritz by the House of Hermit
    - Thayers' Lavender Witch Hazel
    - Old Spice Fresh Lime AS[/list:u]

    Goodnight - 05:00 comes far too soon...
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