Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 19th June 2010

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Futur set on 3
365 Blade day 2
Boots Soap bowl
Vulfix 2235
Blue Stratos

Almost identical to yesterday, both on what was used and result obtained.
I pretty much reached shave nirvana this morning. Yesterday, I took delivery of some Musgo Real along with the Musgo Glycerine Pre-Shave Soap, and a little bottle of Thayers Lavender Witch Hazel. Hadn't tried any of these products before, but a lot of people had good things to say about them so I thought I'd give them a go as I needed to stock up here and there. All I can say is wow, no irritation, my skin feels great!

Hot flannel over the face to start
Musgo glycerine pre-shave soap
Fatboy dialled to 4 with a new Wilkinson Sword blade
Edwin Jagger Super Badger
Musgo Real Shaving Cream
Three passes (with, across, against)
Thayers Lavender Witch Hazel
Bay Citrus AS Balm
Tabac Aftershave

Fantastic shave.

Got my Trumpers samplers lined up for tomorrow, could it get even better??
Razor: EJ DE87*
Blade: Red Personna
Brush: Simpson Duke 2 in Best
Soap: D R Harris Almond
Aftershave: D R Harris Pink
Cologne: D R Harris 'His'

*Gave this razor to the C.O. to put on ebay a while ago and forgot about it, she reminded me so I used it today. Forgot what a good shave it gives. Might keep it around for a bit now.

So how was the Duke 2?
Fido said:
So how was the Duke 2?


I've owned one before and a Duke 2 in Pure too.

The Semogue 1305 is a very good inexpensive brush that will get lather from a soap to your face in no time flat.

The Duke though, that's a whole different experience. Lots and lots of lather with very little effort. Much more comfortable on the face than the Semogue without being floppy and chucking lather all over (like some Silvertips) - and this was straight out of the box!

Due to a mix-up over orders and availability I might also have a 2-band Tulip 2 soon.

Careful Vinny - your reinvestment is building up.

Today it was the Kent BK4. Super lather built up with the Coates but needed to be carefully painted on. The BK4 is a very soft brush with a relatively high loft of 55mm so cannot be used for a decent scrubby face lather. It is the sort of brush that really needs to be used regularly to find the best way of using it.

Hot towel
EJ DE87/ Iridium (Great pairing although this razor is good with most blades I think)
Ever Ready 12a/Body Shop Macca Root cream ( I always enjoy using this cream)
Nivea Replenishing ASB
An easy and enjoyable 3 pass shave today leaving the face feeling very smooth.

Fresh coffee then off to the workshop.
regards, beejay

Spookily enough, my T2 has just been delivered. Will use it tomorrow and perhaps put a picture in the 'stash' and/or 'set up' thread. Nice handle.
Nothing too exciting today:


Gillette Aristocrat
Derby Blade (fed up of these now, but they're all I've got)
Omega 10005
TOBS Sandalwood Cream
DR Harris Sandalwood A/S

Accidentally caught the mole on the side of my neck, which slightly undermined an otherwise satisfactory shave
Saturday morningish
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: E A Gustavsson
Brush Ikon 24 mm silvertip
Soap: Nanny Yushu LE
Strop: Neil Miller, buffalo/linnen 60/50
Post: Proraso
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
Result: Huba huba!

This was a very, very nice one. Smooooth blade on this Gustavsson. Maybe the smoothest I´ve got :shock: , thank you Neil!! You gotta love the shape of this little fellow aswell. Nannys soap was, as usual, very good.

Bic Sensitive
EJ Best Badger

As I remarked in my Cella review, I tried a shave without any a/s products, and it worked. Doesn't get much more simple.

Saturday, 06-19-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Semogue Excelsior LE09 - 30's Gillette New - Derby Extra #2 - Pre Proraso - O Melhor shaving cream (sample) - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASB La Toja + ASL La Toja.


Hi Will ! Who's looking after SS Starship Enterprise whilst your away ? Anyway, I reckon if you used Alum after a cold rinse, and before the rest of your post shave finishing, then your general feeling of well being would be even better! (Leave Alum on for a couple of minutes, then gently pat dry with towel. Don't wash Alum off like some do, this would be largely counter productive, and a waste of product! ). I see you joined the forum a long time before I did, so welcome back!
IanM said:

Bic Sensitive
EJ Best Badger

As I remarked in my Cella review, I tried a shave without any a/s products, and it worked. Doesn't get much more simple.


..So how did you finish up then Ian, cold water rinse,towel pat dry?
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