Shave Of The Day Saturday 8th -Friday 14th July

Greetings All,

Tuesday shave.

One days' growth and warm shave

Preparation – face washed with Clique Liquid facial soap (mild)

Pre: Prorosa Red pre-share
Soap: Executive Shave Bay Rum cream
Razor: Merkur 34c
Blade: Shark (4th)
Brush: Razorock 400 Noir

Post Shave: Cold water rinse, followed by a shower then Proraso aftershave lotion (red) and Nivea 2 Phase.

It continues, but I WILL not go for a 5th shave with the razor, although its so smooth and clean – hmmmmm - I might.

The ES cream was slick and whipped up into a lovely lather – another good start to my day (although I am writing this at the end of my day)
Tuesday Evening...

Soap - Santa Maria Novella Crema da Barba
Brush - Semogue 1470
Face lather
Razor - Gillette SS Red Tip (1956) #1
Blade - Gillette 7 o' Clock stainless (green)
Post - Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
Smell - Alt-Innsbruck EdC (added after pic)

Great shave tonight. The SMN soap needs a fair bit work to get a lather for the face and I find it quite thirsty. But well worth it; a beautiful scent and plenty slick for the Gillette combo. I'll have to experiment between bowl and face for the sweet spot.

Smooth finish and very close with the assertive Red Tip and a cool burn from the Alt-Innsbruck. As one of us pointed out to me recently, it complements the soap with its tobacco flower notes.
Wash / Nivea Men Active
Wilko coconut & vanilla body butter
Razorrock 400 Nor
Mitchells Wool Fat
Merkur 37c / Nacet (1)
Hot/cold rinse
Peppermint witch hazel mixture
Prorsso Green ASL
Al Rehab Al Fares

WTG & ATG on one days growth
variety being the spice of life, I used the 37c today having used the Rockwell 6C for my last four or five shaves.
I'm going to put it out there. . . The Rockwell shaves better and closer on plate 3 that the 37c performed tonight.
I needed to buff and touch up in areas where I haven't had to with the Rockwell, and the result still isn't as good.
on top of this, I found the 37c not to be as smooth as the Rockwell.
I knew I had been getting consistently good shaves from the Rockwell, but I wasn't expecting the contrast between these two razors.
There it is, I've said it. My 37c is now playing second fiddle. . . .

I could get used to these Al Rehab oils !
Last edited:
SOTD 11/07/17

Prep- hot shower and bloom water
Soap- OSP Barbershop
Brush- Razorock Plissoft 24mm
Razor- Oneblade Core
Blade- feather FHS (5)
Post shave- OSP barbershop aftershave tonic

Evening folks hope everyone is keeping well. Today I had my fifth shave with the oneblade core and i must say I'm very impressed so far. My razor arrived last Tuesday after about a three week wait.

Now oneblade did a very good job on the presentation of this razor, I must admit I frankly don't care how something is presented, if it does the job it's supposed to do, that for me is a lot more important. On a side note I think it's presentation stand is a fantastic addition and adds abit of class to my shave cupoard.

When it comes to using the razor it's so straightforward even my brother whose just started shaving could use the razor and load It correctly (he actually used it for a shave). The build is of a high quality and I can think of only one thing that could do with some improvement,the two raised bits of plastic that contribute to stopping the blade from being exposed further, may eventually be worn down or broken off. I think the introduction of a couple of bumps of metal would have been effective at solving this issue. Other than that I can't find fault, the razor has a nice weight to it and to my eye is aesthetically pleasing.

The razor is very mild you can throw it around your face without a worry but it's also very efficient. I got a DFS from just two passes and with another pass was near on Bbs. It has no trouble removing a days growth or three days growth. It was continuously smooth, and maybe even a tad boring for some folk.

People have mentioned the length of time the blades last, I've got my fifth shave out of the blade today and I think it's ready for a a new blade in all honesty. Sure it's not an ac blade or a schick proline that last for fifteen to twenty shaves but i personally don't have an issue with the price per shave in comparison to what I used to pay for cartridge razors.

If the metal oneblade is supposed to be better I would genuinely like to try it because the oneblade core is outstanding. No razor burn or irritation and a quick easy shave.
Just to summarise it's a great razor, easy to use and well worth the money in my opinion anyway.I'll certainly be keeping it in my rotation.

Cheers folks

Howdy gents,
So we made it safely back state side.
All the Sterling soaps had arrived here safely too and we're waiting for me.
So after a hard day swimming in the gulf of Mexico, lounging back in the sister in laws pool and now drinking ice cold larger on the deck, (sorry had to rub it in.)
Anyways, after such a hot day decided that obsidian was in order after a cold shower, OMG!!! Wow and many expletives I shouldn't use. Incredibly cold, incredibly slick, blooming awesome.
So that's the first sotd of this trip, hope the weather is good for you all too.
Sterling obsidian soap
Muhle r89 razor
Razorock 400 brush
Astra sp blade #1
Atkinson triple extract.
No weepers, cuts, two pass lovely.
Great photo! And you lucky so and so.
Very interesting Paul. Four shaves in with the 6C and I'm delighted with it's performance. The thing is, I have a 37c that I haven't used yet and I'm a little worried that it will disappoint after the Rockwell. But who knows, I may be pleasantly surprised.
Wow, it looks like paradise mate, I see you have picked up the lingo fast enough ! They will love that in Cornwall! great picture, I'm not jealous one little bit...........ok yes I am. have yourselves a great time and try and teach some of the locals a bit of Cornish ,Proper job!
All right my ansum, right on!

Hi Barry,

Until I got the Rockwell my 37c was my favourite razor. It helped me to reduce irritation on sensitive areas (neck prone to irritation and redness) as I'm able to get quite a close shave there in two passes with it whereas with non slant razors it would take three passes.
With the Rockwell, it takes three passes to achieve this and I don't get irritation, BUT, the overall experience of using the Rockwell is much nicer. I've used several different blades in it and it's given me the smoothest shaves ever.
I can't see me not using my 37c much, but at the moment I look forward to using the Rockwell.
I'm sure you'll enjoy your shaves with your 37c.
Green with envy