Shave Lounge discount code... is there one?

Thanks for your encouragement JohnnyO - you've already got me posting again!
And to FarCry, I did indeed contact SL to inquire as to what of their plans - yes, to be fair Anthony did send a gracious reply and offered a discount to be manually applied post ordering. Furthermore, they are developing a new site with a discount will be made available to TSR soon (~2 weeks).
So, I accept I was hasty (and grouchy) at the time of my previous post - frustration set in when I couldn't get my shaving fix satisfied!
However, this community and B&B have been a great learning resource to me, which I'm very grateful for. I am a convert to DE shaving for life now - only wish I had known about it 20 years ago.
Gents, there is another code now, but as I understand it's not to be made public for anyone to find on an internet search. However, fret not - Anthony will oblige if you contact him via the website. Keep it under you hat please!
Gents, there is another code now, but as I understand it's not to be made public for anyone to find on an internet search. However, fret not - Anthony will oblige if you contact him via the website. Keep it under your hat please!
Great service from the Shave Lounge. Order this morning then found this thread an hour ago, emailed Antony asked for the code for future purchases. He provided the code and retrospectively applied the discount to my already dispatched order.

I'd of been quite happy with it for future purchases, I ordered from them as I liked their prices and range in the first place.
This is your first post, right?

So how do you like the forum?
I expected this, but yeah, it is my first post.

Have to say I prefer both B&B and TSD over this forum, despite having less combined posts there than here. But otherwise it is great.
I have always been a bit of a lurker on forums. Especially shaving forums as I spend most of the time just reading review threads or old threads with information pertinent to my web search.

But no worries guys, despite how good the discount is I will not use it. I just hope I did not ruffle too many feathers with my abrasive question. Hopefully you guys can now shave again in peace.

May the edge be with you - always

P.S. Thanks Bill, for answering my question.