Sh!t Shave of the Millenium

A female relative gave me a voucher as a Christmas present to be used at a local "Salon" for a "Wet Shave Facial". I used the voucher the other day and I won't be going back again! The barber (I'm using the word loosely here) put me through an experience that Sweeny Todd would have been proud of. I finished up with umpteen cuts, areas of my beard untouched and a red smarting face. To top it off, he said that I would probably get some small yellow-headed spots the following day and, true to his word, the spots appeared. I had to wait 3 days before I could attempt shaving myself. Has anybody else had such an experience? Please tell me that my experience is not typical. I was so looking forward to my first barbershop shave and all the pampering that it involved and hoped that I could indulge myself every so often but I'm having second thoughts.
That sounds terrible. Actually I haven't read of anyone having a truly wonderful shave at a barbers. OK the pampering is often good but the shaves themselves always leave a lot to be desired. I'd rather book myself in somewhere for a body/head massage or just a facial massage, chill out then come home and have a damn fine shave. I don't reckon anyone could give me a better shave than I can do myself. Except perhaps Nape, but I don't think I'll ever find out as he has told me never to come back to his house or the surrounding area.
I can see the attraction of a barbershop shave but in the short time I've been reading up about such things I agree that the reported experience tends to be an acceptable rather than excellent shave. That, however sounds truly awful!

PC, I must try not to skin read. Had to go back over and as the 1st time I read your response read it as you'd rather book in somewhere for head :shock:
Clearly he or she does not know what they are doing....make a formal complaint, get your money back.

If they are not forthcoming make a formal compliant to Health n Saftey...if your scalp or hair had been chemically burn't by the salon you'd be complaining, just because it's a shave makes no difference. What's worse here is that they told you to expect the infection, which indicates to me that either somebody has complained before or they think this is normal....either way it's awful.

I wouldn't say it's typical but there might be a few "salons" that are jumping on the band wagon that shouldn't be.

Best bet would be to find a traditional barbershop/hairdressers for men that offered the service.

What did they use on you by the way?
I suppose he did give me fair warning by saying that some of his customers complained of feeling differing levels of pain while he shaved them. I was the only male customer in there and no other was waiting for his services.

First he washed my face with Men-U face wash. Left the lather on and applied a hot towel for a few minutes. He then lathered up using Men-U shave cream. When I say lathered up what he actually did was to kind of dab the lather onto my face. Not the kind of face lathering I do myself. He then set about me with what I think was a shavett, a straight with a disposable blade. I couldn't see what he was doing but it felt like he was going over the same spot multiple times without the benefit of lather. When he'd finished shaving he wiped my face clean, applied a cold towel and then a warm towel. He finished up by applying some kind of lotion which I think was called PFB or somesuch. The blade didn't glide across the face but had more of dragging tugging motion. I think next time I will try a proper barber and not a "salon", if there is a next time.
No one should feel any pain at any time, sounds like he was trying to give you a one pass shave and not even bothering to re lather the bits that needed going over and used an inadequate blade to boot. Horrible, old boy or young fella?
Old fella (64) and the first shave that I didn't do myself. I did make up for it though. When I next had a shave (Tech,Feather,Tabac soap,Rooney, Speick splash) it was bl!!dy marvellous.
Pig Cat said:
That sounds terrible. Actually I haven't read of anyone having a truly wonderful shave at a barbers. OK the pampering is often good but the shaves themselves always leave a lot to be desired.

I always knew he didn't read my posts :roll:

The best shave I have ever had was a barber shop shave.
Has anyone ever tried Truefitt & Hill or Efe (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->)?

Who are you again? Have you been a member here long??
I too have never had as good a shave at a barbers as I can give myself.

I think its mainly because I know my own face and know my beard map and know what I like. The barber literally has minutes to find this out, although you'd expect a barber to be a professional. Never once was I told "this will burn" or "you'll get spots" the only thing I've ever been told by a barber is to relax and not to move as he will move my face if needs be (I find that the hardest part)

Essentially for me going to a barber is for the "pampering" however if Boab is speaking about Salandinis (which im sure he is) then I have still to try there and I plan to at some point in March.
Sorry to hear this, I think I would be complaining if it were me. Have to say it was a shop shave that indirectly led me on to this site. I had a 30 minute pamper/shave in a gents barber shop, (staffed by two delightful young fillies), before a weekend trip with the wife. Hot towels, 3 pass shave, hot & cold towels, massage etc and it was a dream result. A bit of searching on the net for a straight led me here. I now cherish my 1967 birth quarter Gillette Slim, it resides in my wardrobe so wifey and daughter dont lay hands on it, and with the help and guidance of guys on this site I have turned a 3 minute chore into a 20 minute bit of Me Time.
My wife got me a voucher for xmas for a shave at a local trendy 'salon'.
I must admit I have mixed feelings about this. Might be good, but I can't help thinking I will get some orange coloured daft wee lassie ready to chib me.
Didn't have the heart to tell my beloved that Luigi at Salandini does a voucher for a shave and a haircut....£18.
Andy let me know when you are going, meet you for a brew.

You'll see Boabs photos in the shop :shave