September 2017 Acquisitions

Been on a butterscotch binge....

Rooney Keyhole style in best:

Vulfix Regent marked with Hochschild Kohn & Co. A famous department store in Baltimore, I believe:

A Kent V5B in case:

And last but not least, a Vulfix 37x (I think) branded 'Coronet':

I'm hoping to keep the original knots on the Rooney and Kent brushes but at least the Vulfix Regent will require re-knotting, likely by Vulfix/Simpsons although the Coronet may pass muster. However, I have rather a strong dislike of Pure Badger so it may have to have some Best popped in. Looks rather like a 2-band but as we know, it's all the the tips. I did say tips, didn't I....?

I would very much like to add one or two Simpsons butteries to that little lot and a Culmak as well. That'll be the bulk of the English makers crossed off.