Security help (my new blog)

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Got bored, Im a nerd, so thought what the hay, might as well give some advice, will be updating with another two posts sometime tomorrow, probably something on firewalls and possibly anti spyware.
2 universal thoughts to security is "If a hacker wants in, they will get what they want"..."another one "it takes one hacker to catch another"

The easiest way to prevent access is to reduce the number of services you allow to the internet, either on the desktop behind a proxy/nat or as a server connected directly to the internet. Normal things apply, use a firewall to tune which ports can be accessed.

There's a plethora of information out there.

My personal preference is to use an OS that's multi-user an secure in principle, unix/linux/mac for example. Been using Linux as my primary desktop since 2002 and no viruses or spyware. Each to their own, YMMV.
Like your blog. Some useful tips for non-experts but not crossing into patronizing.

I'm a Linux user myself primarily because of the virus issues with Windows initially. Sadly Linux blogs tend to be overly technical. Would you consider doing a feature one day on Linux security?

There aren't really many concerns for security, there's buffer overflows sure, but that sort of cross over you get on anything that has memory pointers. There's brute force attacks too, these are also cross overs.

Other than individual application security concerns you probably don't need to be too wrapped up in security issues, although there are the odd kernel problems but regular distro updates cover that, and providing of course you don't run any network services.