Second Razor - for traveling?

I travel a great deal and usually by 'plane. When travelling by 'plane I've learned to carry as much of my gear as I can in my carry-on, including my shaving kit. Because of this I travel with a Gillete Sensor cartridge razor and a pack of cartridges. Cartridges are allowed in carry-on bags whereas DE blades are not. In the spirit of full disclosure I now use a cartridge razor (Mach3 or Sensor) when I'm at home even though I own 6 DE razors and a mountain of DE blades.
I used to take my Gillette Tech for travelling. It is small, light,cheap however, It doesn't shave me well and when I'm away on holiday that is when I want a great shave every evening so this time I'm taking my Rockwell. I'll just make sure it goes into my locked case after every use. T'aint no big thing.
Last time I travelled abroad I checked a case in, so I packed a Merkur 45C and a Schick L1 Injector.

If I travel abroad with just carry on I take a Gillette Guard or Gillette Mach 3.
I currently have a plastic cover that covers the razor head (and blade) to keep it safer that it would otherwise be, I'm not sure what people's view are on those sort of things?

The plastic cover you refer to is perfectly OK. Saves you nicking yourself when fumbling around inside a wash bag.

As for what to look for in a travelling razor? Something similar to what you like using at home, I guess. When I upgraded to an ATT, I chucked my old Muhle R89 in the wash bag as a travelling razor. Most of my travelling is for pleasure rather than business these days (thank God) so a leisurely shave with a mild razor before going to dinner suits me. The sort of cuts that the ATT can deliver if I'm a bit careless can be a bit of a passion-killer when away for a dirty weekend...