SE forum missing?

Shouldn't there be an SE forum on here? Or rename the DE forum.

Surely most DE topics are SE topics too?

Anyone out there who's yet to try SE you simply have to. Easier, closer and cheaper razors too.

SE's have their own section:

<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewforum.php?f=22</a><!-- l -->

Edit: Oops, just realised SE is Single Edge and not Straight Razor.
TBH, Ive always lumped DE's and SE's into the same category.

I enjoy using em both and have much the same technique really.
Cheaper razors but not blades and not such a huge choice of blades.

That said, I do like my SE razor as well. Perhaps it's time I gave it another outing....
andyml73 said:
Shouldn't there be an SE forum on here? Or rename the DE forum.

Surely most DE topics are SE topics too?

Anyone out there who's yet to try SE you simply have to. Easier, closer and cheaper razors too.


Hi andy!

Yes I thought I might give it a go, even though I'm still a newby with DE shaving! Ha!, what the hell :shave I have a couple of the little critturs on their way to me as I type. Did you say that you obtained the blades from Paul at Connaught? Can see the availability becoming more difficult however if enough forum members decide to try SE shaving though, and of course the price will creep up.

All the best,


Yep, I got them from Connaught, just got 100, that should last me 2 years or so :shock:

I don't expect them to go up (?)