SE design

If you have an inventive mind ( I don't ! ) Bezoar I'm guessing a major challenge for you may be settling on a design and not permitting yourself to be distractedby too many options which may occur as you go along. twhite510 has made a truly amazing offer abovr, and he has the skills set to comprehend and grasp your design concepts. My own ( unasked for ) suggestion would be to consider sticking to GEM type blades as these are what the vast majority of UK SE users use, being inexpensive, satisfactory performance and very readily available. The adjustable facility would certainly make a new SE both desireable and distinctive. However, your concept, your brains, you get to decide.

JohnnyO. o/

I would love to help you out on this project.
+1 on sticking to the SE blade first.

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While I may not be a good candidate being that I'm in the USA I would definitely love to help test and give honest feedback on any modern SE.

I use SE razors exclusively. I've been through almost all of the vintage options and nearly all of the modern options. I highly prefer the GEM blade with a spine to the Feather AC blades and spineless blades. I have a first batch Mongoose and have had a Cobra Classic and borrowed and King Cobra. I've also helped Colonial Razors by testing their General SE razor. I did not get paid to do it, nor did I expect anything. I even expected to return the razor but when I asked about returning it they let me keep it. Again, not what I was expecting but I appreciated the offer and held on to the razor.

I currently use the OneBlade with a de-spined GEM blade and can get a month of shaves from a single blade. So if you would consider a tester from across the pond, then please know that I'd gladly help you with honest feedback; discreetly if needed as well. I'm not one that needs to blast everything on social media so don't send me a razor for marketing purposes. I just love SE and want to see as many new ones come out as innovation will allow.

Cheers to you for your efforts.
the main issue of the feather/kai/injector blades is the width. If you used a regular width injector head, you would have massive over hang of the feather and kai blades. If you made one head suited for full coverage of the kai or feather blades, you would have a huge amount of "dead space" if you put a regular size injector blade.
as a result, you either have to make a razor head that can increase or decrease in width as the blade used gets wider or narrower. And the cost of that idea is well, prohibitive at this moment in time.
I will be wanting twhite to help. Since I am in the USA,, the GEM blade is a good friend of mine.
I am curious on one thing. The micromatic is a monstrosity of machined brass gears to make that top flip open. the patent is a beauty of an illustrators drinking binge. THE thing that has me curious, is how much is everyone willing to embrace alternative methods of mechanical systems?
The important thing is, would it be functional and robust? If so, have at it. It's one thing to design a thing of beauty that falls apart at the first stroke. I'd much rather have something different (if not a little unusual looking) that works as expected time and time again.
I have Used the OneBlade..I also Used a De Spined Gem Blade & it Moved when I was Shaving with it..It Does Not Lock Down..There has Been More than Me had this Issue..I Get 5 Shaves at Most Out a Gem Blade in any Razor unless you want to Shave with a Blunt Blade which I Don't..

I have seen all these Cult Type Reviews on the OneBlade..I have Had Abuse from Certain OneBlade Groups in a USA Forum which I will Not Mention by PMs..The OneBlade is Not a Magic Wand..In Fact I Found it to be a Farce & a Clunky Stainless Steel Over Engineered Monstrosity..

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There in lies the rub.. a split top and bottom cap design to adjust length ways hmmmm. Would really like to see your ideas

Whats your go to se and de and which blades are you getting the most out of?
Whats your go to se and de and which blades are you getting the most out of?
I Only Usually Use NOS Injector Blades..The Pinnacle of Injector Blades was in the 70s..I get around a Dozen Sharp & Great Shaves out of an NOS Personna Twin Injector Blade..That's a Record for Me..I usually get around 5 Shaves out any Blade..That is to Say Great shaves...I like a Sharp Blade..Dutch Made NOS Schick Injector Blades are Something to Behold & Blow away Most USA Made Blades of that Era..

90% of My Shaves these Days are with SRs which I Hone & Sharpen Myself as Well as Hollow Ground Blade SEs..There is No Modern Blade SE that Can Out Do a Properly Honed Hollow Ground Blade SE for Comfort & Deep BBS Result..My Hollow Ground Blade SEs have a Constant Sharp Edge because they are Maintained between Shaves..

You Cant Do that with a Factory Blade Razor Unless You Changed the Blade Every Shave..I Can Also Taylor a Hollow Ground Blade to Shave the Way I Want it on the Hone..


Since I'm a user, not a tinkerer, I truly wouldn't know or care if the systems were reverse engineered from a UFO. Just so they remain affordable and reliable. In fact, novel or original engineering would, I suspect, really intrigue and attract interest throughout the shaving community.

JohnnyO. o/