SE database/list?


i'm getting an SE itch and am slowly working through these pages, but is there a list of whats out there? makes, models blades?

prices seem quite resonable at the moment.
Ids said:
i'm getting an SE itch and am slowly working through these pages, but is there a list of whats out there? makes, models blades?

prices seem quite resonable at the moment.

Well, I can't get to sleep at the moment, so here's a chronological list of GEM and Ever Ready SE Razors:

Late 1800's to 1920's - Early Razors:
-Lather catchers (from Gem, Ever Ready, Zinn, Star and others. Most use the traditional wedge blades and came as 7-day sets with stropping equipment.)
-1901 Gem Jr Bar (introduced a flip down bar to stretch the skin. Perhaps the first model that till properly take the modern GEM/Personna disposable blades)
-Gem/ER 1912 model (probably the archetypal flip-top SE razor)
-1914 model (aka "Lift Here" and "little lather catcher." Back hinged, fully opening head. Issued to soldiers in WW1)
-1924 model (aka "shovel head." Front hinged, fully opening head. The 1924s I have seen are sized to fit the old style wedge blades, rather than GEM/Personna blades most of these razors use)
The 1914 and 1924 models are probably the most aggressive Gem/ER razors.
-Gem Junior Parade (not to be confused with the early Gem Jr lather catchers, these razors were designed as budget models; un-plated brass with large black Bakelite handles)

1930's to 40's - The Micromatics:
Possibly the first twist-to-open razors? The first two razors are very aggressive, and extra care must be taken when shaving. The Closed Comb is IMHO the mildest of all SE razors.

-Micromatic Open Comb
-Micromatic Clog Pruf
-Micromatic Closed Comb (aka "Bullseye." Completely different, and much less aggressive, head design that formed the basis for most later Gem/ER SE's)

1952 - 1954: Ever Ready Streamline (noted for its elaborate head design, build quality and superb plating. It is the last aggressive Ever Ready and my favorite)

1950s to 1960's - The Mild Razors
All Gem and Ever Ready razors from this point onwards use developments of essentially the same head design. They give a milder shave than previous razors.

-Heavy Flat Head (aka "Gem G-Bar" and "Ever Ready E-Bar." There is also a rare gold-plated version that may have a different name, which escapes me)
-Light Flat Head (aka "Featherweight." Essentially the G/E-Bar with a Bakelite handle)
-Push Button (first Gem/ER razor that opens by pushing a button one the metal/plastic handle)

1970's to 1980's - The Contours
-Contour (same head design as the Push Button, but metal is either lower grade or not as well finished. More modern styling for metal/plastic handle)
-Contour II (again, same head design but mostly plastic handle)

I think that's everything. Please let me know if I have missed anything or made any mistakes.

Hope this helps

(and I'm starting to feel sleepy)