Scottish Steak Challenge

One hot meal does not a Laird make. But lard a hot meal can make.
Haha spoken like a true Scot! Lard, check! Mars bar, check! Batter, check! Buckie, chuck!

Reminds me of one of those spoof 1950s adverts I saw in Viz comic, that had the archetypal smart looking happy family and the caption said "They're happy cos they eat lard!" and underneath "Issued by the Lard Marketing Board of Great Britain"
To be perfectly honest I prefer my Mars bar cold from the fridge and all deep frying done with beef dripping. A dripping piece. Now we’re talkin’! With butter of course (or marge as i cannot afford butter these days…) I blame Poo-tin. In fact, was I able-bodied, I’d conduct a one-man war against the devil simply because of the price of butter! Grrr….
The big £7 tubs of Lurpack butter have security tags on them in one supermarket in Dundee!