Scent of The Day

Had something of a frag journey today...

First off had a puff of Roger & Gallet Cedrat, straight up in your face unisex lemon and cedar that lasted 10 minutes before vanishing without trace. Been thinking about picking up some Hugo Boss again recently (for old times sake ) so decided to sample two, the original Hugo in water bottle err bottle and the Boss bottled 'Intense' flanker... The former was sour and smelt like chemical cleaner, the latter smelt bitter and musty - Utterly ghastly, I would sooner smell of sweat. Both were scrubbed with hand sanitiser (try it, works a treat... Offending scents were entirely nullified in 30 seconds.)

In the end I was drawn in by the attractive attendant at the Chanel concession and had a liberal dousing of Allure Homme Sport: Very nice! Incredibly easy to wear, I'm still sniffing it now in fact. This one will go on the 'to acquire' list
Island lavender from Caldey Island prepaired by Monks I believe, a relatively small cottage industry which I like to support, their Lavender EDT has a fresh lavender scent mixed with white musk, not very long lasting but divine and inexpensive so can be topped up throughout the day.
Today is going to be the hottest day we have had in cornwall this year so a cooling spritz of lavender throughout the day will be wonderful P.


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