Scent of The Day

Penhaligon's Hammam Bouquet today, as it has been every day (well nearly) since I got it...

Its always an enjoyable ride, when first applied the lavender and bergamot blast smells not dissimilar to cat p*ss (very similar to another favourite of mine, Jicky) but bare with it and 30 minutes later it transforms into a creamy rose intertwined with jasmine and musk... Hours later and the strength hasnt waned at all but the scent has now taken on a soapy/waxy vibe, really understated, discreet, clean.

On a different but somewhat related subject, can anyone recommend a rose based smelly from the likes of Mr_Perfume? Nothing involving oud, it doesnt agree with me.
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Mr Perfume has a few rose based oils, Tom Tabacco rose, Tom Cafe rose and a few more or I've bought just a rose oil but it was from another seller , plenty to choose from. P. I like the sound of the Hammam Bouquet, right up my street!
Acqua di Parma - Mirra.

Giving me a resinous, almost salty opening. About an hour in I'm getting the nutmeg in a big way. This sure is an easy wear but the longer it's on me, the more uncertainty it's bringing! I'm not a huge fan of nutmeg in fragrances but this is well balanced and pretty warming. (Funny how I said something completely different to Blademonkey about 20 minutes ago!)
Mr Perfume has a few rose based oils, Tom Tabacco rose, Tom Cafe rose and a few more or I've bought just a rose oil but it was from another seller , plenty to choose from. P. I like the sound of the Hammam Bouquet, right up my street!

Thanks P, I'll check them out. I notice Surrati do a few, of all the attars I've tried thus far they seem to be the most consistant brand for quality.