Sausage sandwich game

Stokes is great. HP has taken a dive, I believe they changed the recipe in order to conform with EU regulations on salt levels in food. Disaster.
Never tried Stokes but I like the Tiptree's BS, Andy must be pining for the impish S Grigson of yesteryear, put it this way Andy if you were playing scrabble she wouldn't fit on the board nowadays.

Back to the hot mustard debate, shurely given the variance of mustard in all it's guises it deserves its very own rating scale like capsicium and schoville, freshly made mustard from powder is more potent than most chilli sauces out there.
Stoke ketchup is very nice. Quite different to Heinz. These days we buy supermarket own-brands which aren't amazing but we're used to them now.
antdad said:
Back to the hot mustard debate, shurely given the variance of mustard in all it's guises it deserves its very own rating scale like capsicium and schoville, freshly made mustard from powder is more potent than most chilli sauces out there.

Greeting you from the town that made bottomless extra deep dish pizza famous,

It's not that mustard is something I don't use.....quite the opposite actually. I like a sweet/hot kinda mustard, and I enjoy mustard mixed with horseradish too. They're mustard blends of course, which is why they work for me. The huge mustard blast stuff like Colemans gives me is just too much in a tiny package.

Now I think I understand why so many guys like what you serve over there. It's probably a similar thing to using straight horseradish (or a blend) on some foods I like. It jazzes things up nicely in a jarring kinda way. Sometimes that can work surprisingly well. Yeah, it's probably just what youse guys grew up doing with the mustard and there you go.

Nah, I still think your kinda mustard's more of a sleighta hand trick. Yeah, keep your eyes on the mustard and pay no attention to the food behind the curtain....

After eating "American mustard" I understand why you might the English kind so offensive, it actually tastes of something, yeah that coloured mayo has a blandifying effect on almost everything it touches...perfect for those with a limited pallet.
It's funny, the US appears to understand the sort of hot chilli sauce that can only be used in minuscule doses, but mustards appear to confound them.
antdad said:
After eating "American mustard" I understand why you might the English kind so offensive, it actually tastes of something,

Nope, it's not because of how strong the flavor is....actually that's just what it's about. I like the flavor of mustard but not as a very strong single note kinda thing. As the main part of a blend it can be excellent.

A good example is what patchouli EO smells like to me. As a single note it's disgusting, but as the main part of a blend it can be great.

That's the deal I think.
Dr Rick said:
It's funny, the US appears to understand the sort of hot chilli sauce that can only be used in minuscule doses, but mustards appear to confound them.

What's up Doc,

Yeah, you're right about us goofy Yanks being obsessed with hot sauces that taste bad and often result in 2nd degree burns to the ingester (ingestee?). Hell, we could care less what a sauce actually tastes like. We are very indifferent to any kinda seasoning tweaks....just amazing hot is fine. Yes Doc, everyone here is an uncouth bum.

Yeah, takes a bunch of people who eat high class stuff like that 'The Gentlemen's Relish fish paste/peanut butter gourmet treat to help me out understanding what is really good after all. Sausage sammiches? The hell is that all about.

So of course the only mustard you can find in the US is the bright and cheery yellow version. Yep, the stuff you'd find on a hot dog at a baseball game. Any other specialty stuff has to be ordered online. Luckily, no one likes any of that 'jazzed up' kinda mustard...just bland and boring is the way to go.

Nice typing at you,

Just looking forward to the deep pan pretzel corn dog pizza game dandy.

Now would you take mustard with that?

Dodge and I have a special relationship so no need for peace buffers if I'm reading that correctly.

As Derren Brown might say, "This is the place you are looking for..." :sleepy: