Saturday 8th May to Friday 14th May 2021

Good evening everyone , I hope you’re all well.

Soap - P&B English Rose (Sample)
Brush - Simpsons T3
Razor - Muhle R89
Blade - Sputnik #6
Post - B&M Oceana
Splash - A&E Amber Rose

Thanks to Jay for this sample of soap. The English Rose is great match for the beautifully scented Amber Rose and I’m tempted to buy it when I start full on shaving again. (I’m only shaving around my beard at the moment).

Have a great weekend everyone and don’t get too hammered in the boozers on Monday.
You’re most welcome it’s a great scent love the muhle R89 in the rose gold...very nice !
Rose is kind of a rage now and to be frank I don't know why. I have a shave buddy just "moon bat" over the scent!!

I think it depends on the situation. If I was shaving before watching football I’d go for a woody option, if I’m sat at home chilling with the wifelet I go for a floral option.
The two Rose soaps that I’ve tried so far have been really top notch.
This evening I present the TSR shaving community with my shave and the theme 'Scum'. And before I prattle on I will start with 'You suffer' by Napalm Death from their appropriately titled album, 'Scum'

Thank you

Get dirty - Cobra
Talk dirty - Kai Captain
Dirt brush - Yaqi Mew Brown
Dirt cheap - Abbate Y Mantia Matteo
Eat dirt - Guerlain Homme

As an Antithesis to the absolutely stunning photos which appear here on the SOTD threads I decided to go the polar opposite with a photo of the 'after shave effect'. A bit like the butterfly effect except less scientific and more 'The chaotic random messy sink theory'. The prettiness soon disappears when the shaving carnage starts.

SOTD, 'Scum Of The Day'. And yes, I am scum
It is getting towards the point where I will return the Cobra to its rightful owner and I have enjoyed every minute of its face time. On second thoughts I may choose to hold it to ransom with payment for its release to be made in Smarties. On the subject of facial enjoyment (!?) the Cobra behaved no differently to any other occasion. Only a single pass this time as my face hasn't been in the best of conditions after a grueling week at work, but a single pass to grin time. And a mighty fine grin it was.

Another day at the sink for the Matteo and what a super brewers droop (Not quite hard) of a soap. Not sure the Mew Brown is the best of brushes for face lathering as I find the bristles a little too stiff and in a strange sense uncomfortable. But it did its job and that is all that matters.

By the time the basin was up to proper gunk levels my face had been well dealt with and as smooth as a bowl of jelly.
Or a jelly bottom apparently. Which I always thought was next morning's revenge after a night on the lash. Eye of a needle and all that.

Anyway, I shall end by wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and please everyone, stay safe and well.

To see this shave out I was looking for a Japanese girl band who are an anagram of 'Scum' and I did find one. Otoboke Beaver. Enjoy