sandalwood aftershave

Thanks Tonka, have heard it might feel a bit oily or greasy on the face.
i know gemstone do a 400ml bottle and a 100ml.
do you know anywhere i might get tester bottles of a variety of aftershave.
could spend 20 quid on a few.broaden my horizons.
Proraso make a great Sandalwood AS
FWIW, I'm using the Proraso Red Croap and AS and loving them.
IMHO an aftershave is expected to be moisturising to repair the skin with a bit of alcohol to deal with any cuts. I can feel a layer on my skin but nothing compared to a real moisturiser.
Hi, can anyone recommend a sandalwood aftershave, budget £20 thanks
Hi Jimmy

Any luck with the Sandalwood aftershave? OSP do a nice sandalwood aftershave splash which is reasonably priced at £12, or just over budget we have Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood aftershave at £20.99 - which if you used our 10% TSR discount code (TSR10) would bring under budget....

Happy shaving!

Agent L
Ok you enabled me, he he. Gonna wait till i get payed on Friday and get the TOBS aftershave.
Order placed. TOBS sandalwood aftershave and Williams aqua velva, thanks.
Oh and stop putting temptation in my way, I can resist everything except that.