"safetyrazors.net" website with Schick Injector history/ident is ... gone?


~Southampton, UK
I have a bookmark pointing to http://www.safetyrazors.net/schick/schicktech.htm for a good (IMO) Schick Injector Razor history/identification guide.
Today I noticed (when I went to check my recent ebay find) that it's gone - I just see a page saying that the domain has expired.
Confirmed on the Wayback Machine - it was still there on 24 October 2023, but gone by 19 November 2023.
At least it's archived on archive.org / wayback, but I wish that we (the shaving community) could perhaps do better...

If anyone needs the archived content, it's here: https://web.archive.org/web/20231024093834/http://www.safetyrazors.net/schick/schicktech.htm
@riverrun notes on his razors.click page "There is a great Schick Injector information website by Alan G. Appleby at safetyrazors.net. At some point the website was no longer available and I decided to temporarily host some of the information found there on this website. The original site is back, but I'll keep the information here – just in case – and because I like my layout better. The original site can also be found using the excellent “Internet Archive Wayback Machine”: https://web.archive.org/safetyrazors.net/
This is not my material and it does contain errors."

So, https://web.archive.org/safetyrazors.net/ for the original content. Go back through the timeline.
Yes, I'm still hosting a nicely formatted (easier on the eyes) version of the Appleby pages.
The resource is too valuable to be left to bit-rot.