Sad - but true

Re: RE: Sad - but true

So basically what your saying is that you aren't a petty thief but an ungrateful beep.... nice jeez a piece of fruit, most people charge 20 for a hone if your lucky. I'm honing my razors atm but if I do go public please don't send me any business as I once ate a blackberry from a pick your own farm.
jds said:
.. and what gets me here is when they will barely look at, say, a courgette or an aubergine, but happily shovel in a burger made of mechanically recovered meat covered in gallons of unspecified goo.

But one tastes nice (to The Young) and is already cooked and the others don't taste at all, hardly - unless you're talking brinjal pickle, of course.

And please don't tell us to cook a courgette this way or that, add a little butter and herbs de dah - they are all but tasteless however you cook 'em - even when Helen cooks 'em.
They're probably better coached in passing exams.

I have only just seen this Carl and I thank you for sticking up for me I've always seen you as a true working class warrior and a working class hero you would be someone who would have been a popular bloke in Wales I'm quite touched by your support.
pugh-the-special-one said:
I have only just seen this Carl and I thank you for sticking up for me I've always seen you as a true working class warrior and a working class hero you would be someone who would have been a popular bloke in Wales I'm quite touched by your support.

Actually, I'm very middle class - until scratched, anyway. Aneurin will ever be my all time hero of heroes. Popular in wales - now there is a thought!! I am proud to offer support to you, Jamie.
I do wonder what people get out of the weekly debate about these parts?

Who can get the better of who... when will the cliques unite... how many people end up on ignore lists... does anybody's view actual change when the dust has settled?

Edit. Re: Chris Hales comments (Post #58) - The random tangents do make me laugh though.

Well, I'm in the Nye gang. I'm NHS. In fact, I'm wearing an NHS T-Shirt right now ... the very ones we had printed for the Swine Flu epidemic (my ass!). Once a resident of South Wales (Swansea, boyo), we returned many years later. I touched the feet of dear Nye's statue as he looked on towards Castell Caerdydd.

What he said about his counterparts back then, I wonder what he would have thought of them today ... or have they changed?

"That is why no amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party that inflicted those bitter experiences on me. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin. They condemned millions of first-class people to semi-starvation. Now the Tories are pouring out money in propaganda of all sorts and are hoping by this organised sustained mass suggestion to eradicate from our minds all memory of what we went through."
One way or another, you need to slather those puppies with something tasty. I've been doing a lot of roasted vegetables lately, sprinkled with soy sauce, salt and pepper, a little oil, and other spice if you like. Best way in the world to intensify the flavour of a vegetable, and add some.
Re: RE: Sad - but true

That's my seasoning for a good steak salt as sea salt
For steak... a good cut of rib eye, salt, freshly ground black pepper, olive oil and smoking hot pan.

Food talk... 10:42pm... hitting the kitchen for a snack.
Had the steak (top side) with mushrooms and green beans tonight, I used a smoked sea salt. It's not as strong as table salt but has a lovely flavour....

I get hungry watching kitchen nightmares... Weird but true