S.O.T.D. w/c Saturday 7th - Friday 15th June 2014

Molton Brown soap
Simpson Commodore x3
Feather AS D2
Myrsol blue
Thayers Original

Revisited the Feather blade in the hope the AS D2 would tame it. No such luck and left with a very red neck!
Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Simpson Chubby 3
Razor: Ari-Ya (ant arrow)
Soap: Jabonmans lovely Lima Cinnamon
AS: Myrsol Limon
Result: Uberclean

Fantastic edge and steel (said to be tungsten...) and it was my first use of Jabonmans Lima Cinnamon, the scent's amazing and I fell in love with it straight away - it's got an amazing fresh citrus scent like scent going pre lather, but it changes when you lather it up, to a earthy and much "darker" scent, to me anyway. Great shave!
Despite having several new soaps that I want to use, on a hot day like this it really has to be a menthol shave as days like this are pitifully few and far between in England.

I'd used a Sputnik last week in my iKon open comb and found it very rough, but my experience of the Progress is that it'll get the best out of most razor blades and so it proved to be. After a shave like today's I really don't NEED any other razor!

This was also my second use of the Plisson Synthetic. I can understand why people like it but for me it just doesn't have the density and back-bone I enjoy. However, it's lack of density does make it easy to clean so I guess my dad's Father's Day present is going to be upgraded from a tin of Simpsons Citrus Burst to a Plisson brush. Hopefully he won't turn this brush manky

A great shave and my face is now ready for some sunscreen...
Sunday 8th June

Warm shower
Hot flannel
WSO Signature soap bowl lathered
Finest Badger brush made by myself
Gillette Aristocrat 16 Gold
Polsilver Super Iridium (3)
Cold rinse
Thayers Lemon witch hazel
Old Spice Sensitive aftershave
English Fat Tech, BiC PC
Hand-carved Ash 27mm Boar
Kent Soap
Barbershop Bay Rum
Homemade Post Shave Oil
AA Bay Citrus EdT

Apart from the highly enjoyable scent of the EdT, the shave was distinctly below average and my neck is rather irritated. Honesty, I get worse! :icon_sad:
Sunday, June 8th, 2014

Sunday, June 8th, 2014

Travelling with a Mastro Livi Carbon Damascus

  • Pre-shave: Proraso Green Pre-Shave Cream
  • Soap: Proraso Blue Tube Shaving Cream
  • Brush: Omega Bristle Brush 49
  • Bowl: Chinese Cheap Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm Stropping
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Carbon Damascus "100 layers", 13/16 Extra Hollow, Square Point
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: RazorGuy Bay Rum After Shave
Prep - hot shower
Soap - La Toja stick
Brush - Semogue Italian Barber LE 2012
Razor - Feather AC DX Japanese
Blade - Feather Professional
AS - Lucky Tiger
ASB - E45 moisturiser

Second shave with the Japanese style Feather and going well but still room for improvement as I get used to it.

Sunday 06-08-14. MUSIC: Thompson Twins - Greatest Hits.


Aleppo soap - Simpson Somerset Duke 3 best badger - Merkur 37C Slant - Iridium Super #3 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving soap Tiki The Captain - Alum block - Thayers Cucumber Toner - ASB Weleda - ASL Honeybee Gardens Vermont.
Palmer's Cocoa Butter pre-shave
De Vergulde Hand shaving stick
Kent Infinity Silvertex
Merkur 45 head on a ball end New handle
Wizamet Super Iridium
Myrsol Plastic shave a/s

Hadn't tried the plastic Merkur head on a heavier handle and was rewarded with a cut lip and a sub-par neck shave. I think these blades will do far better in the long comb New head so that's probably what I'll try tomorrow (and I rarely plan my shaves ahead).
The soap lathered up beautifully. So much so I dropped the brush three times while trying to get that slickness on my face.
Plastic Shave is a beautiful scent. This is one aftershave I see myself always having in my rotation.
Prep: Cold Water Splash
Razor: Weber Polished Bulldog
Blade: Astra SP (2)
Brush Stumpy Gecko Walnut 2-Band
Soap: TOBS Luxury Lime
Post: Witch Hazel Splash
Aftershave: Floid Blue