S.O.T.D. w/c Saturday 7th - Friday 15th June 2014

Thank you Martin it's a lovely razor and shaves just the same as the Rhodium as you said. Which is the better looking I'm not sure they both look good to me :blush:
Simpson Chubby 1 Super 2 Band
Provence Sante Green Tea Shaving Soap
Weber DLC Bulldog
Gillette Silver Blue
Floris No. 89 AS Balm

Village Barber Oil
CJB Kamisori
Dorco Barber Blade (7)
William's Mug Soap + Nivea Shave Cream
Vulfix 404 "Bodger"
Tabac AS

Very surprised with how slick this lather was - it even had a very nice "shine" to it.
Gillette 1960's English Slim Twist in Ivory
BiC Platinum Chrome
Hand-carved Beech 24mm 2-Band Fan
NSS Olive Oil Hard Soap in French Lavender
Barbershop Bay Rum
SFH Lime Shaving Oil

More of an artisanal shave today and it was very pleasant from a software point of view. Excellent soap, very good shaving oil used as a balm/moisturiser and the world's very best aftershave. I like the BiC PCs although they don't get much love here but I found the Slim Twist a little unusual in use with its much longer handle and slightly top heavy balance. However, it was purchased for my good lady because of this longer length and ribbed for pleasure texture! One has to 'quality check' things before handing them over for official SWMBO use though, doesn't one? Scents not included, naturally....

I have a beautifully shiny, re-plated Fat Tech that arrived this morning and I can't wait to give it a run out tomorrow!

Saturday 06-07-14. MUSIC: Aztec Camera - The Best Of.


Aleppo soap - Simpson Somerset Duke 3 best badger - Merkur 37C Slant - Iridium Super #2 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving soap Mike's Sandalwood & Vanilla FO - Alum block - Thayers Cucumber Toner - ASB Geo F. Trumper's Skin Food Sandalwood - ASL Honeybee Gardens Sandalwood.

Mart, you are a git. :icon_razz::icon_cheesygrin:
Today's shave
Simpsons Military Gentleman
Proraso Red
Rocket HD
GSB (2)
Old Spice Champion


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Tall_Paul said:
Mart, you are a git.

Good thing I looked that word up. I was positive it was some kinda Limey compliment! I think you certainly meant 'gent', although I will leave your typo there.

Heh, ok, maybe I was trying to make the Good Doctor proud of me, although it was a poor attempt. Plus, he has a large international audience and is known as a very persuasive (and somewhat crazy) Spanish guy.
Hot towel
Omega boar
EJde89 head/templ8 handle
Rapira ss (1)
Pinaud clubman

Very nice comfortable shave
Saturday Night

After such a great shave last night using a Gillette Twinjector blade and handle, I thought I'd revisit a couple of injectors which I absolutely love the shave of ...

Bulldog Face Wash
Billy Jealousy Hydroglide
Personna Injector - Chinese Schick [1]
PAL Adjustable Injector - Gillette Platinum Plus [1]
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash (Twice)
Alt Innsbruck

Two Pass - WTG (PAL Adjustable on H), XTG (Personna) & ATG (PAL Adjustable on L)

I now know two things: First, that the Chinese Schick blades, or "Chicks", do not suit me at all. Rough! Second, I have most definitely found the angle with these two.

Using the adjustable for the first pass H, it was smooth and efficient. Switching to the Personna for the cross the grain pass, it was rough all the way ... loads of weepers and almost as bad as my first DE shave. By now I was largely BBS. Switching back to the adjustable dialled down to L, that final pass was smooth and fully delivered BBS.

Rinsed off, I had to go with two applications of alum, the second continuous until the blood stopped!

Cooling cologne was very welcome ...

Encouraging, nevertheless. I love the shape of these razors, so it is good to confirm the blades that I do not get on with and that I can use both to good effect. It was a learning curve, but a hard lesson in the middle.

EDIT: Rough! I never use balm, but I have one bottle in - James Bronnley with sea kelt and samphire. I used some. I feel better now.
After sprucing up the recently arrived shave kit

L'occitane soap face wash
KOS shave Oil
Palmolive Cream (bowl lathered)
Ancient Wilkinson Brush
Derby Blade (yes I know)
Newly arrived Aluminium Ball End Tech
Cold Rinse
Alum Block
Old Spice AS

A shave in the 60's style of my auld faither, and surprisingly good
Razor Filarmonica 14 Especial 8/8
Strop Kanayama Cordovan #8000
Brush Simpsons P8
Soap Boellis Panama 1924
Witch Hazel
L'Occitane Baux Balm
Scent L'Occitane Ambre & Santal Edt​