S.O.T.D w/c Saturday 3rd - Friday 9th August 2013


Back to work tomorrow, though hopefully only for one day.

Prep: Cold rinse
Razor: Cobra Classic
Blade: Kai Captain Mild
Brush: Semogue 1305
Shave soap: Klar Kabinett - scuttle lathered
After - Witch hazel, IK balm

First shave since Friday morning. Wiped through it all with no problems at all leaving a BBS finish. Always satisfying to clear away a few days growth!

Oh, yes. This time I have exceeded myself. I'm a exagerated! I'm crazy, I know. Who not? Carpe diem, tempus fugit!

And you should have seen the face of SWMBO when she entered the bathroom and opened the closet. She said. This is sufficient to write a book!
Fortunately I escaped to the garden, ha ha.

Musgo Real glyce classic soap
Dubl Duck special No.1
Simpsons 'Rover' Manchurian Butterscotch
Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap
Proraso Green A/S


T&H No. 10 face scrub in shower
Proraso green preshave
T&H No. 10 cream - NF 1901 brush
Futur (2) - Astra SP (4)
Cold rinse with Alum followed by Nivea cool kick AS balm

Ready for the new week of work after two weeks of holiday!
WiffWaff said:
First shave with this new razor. I'm very impressed so far. Tiny bit of redness on the (difficult) lower neck, but this hasn't translated into any form of irritation. Result now is very smooth and comfortable. Looking forward to trying it again

WiffWaff said:
Third go with the AS-D2... no denying it's on the mild side, but the results suit me... smooth and VERY comfortable...

WiffWaff said:
Worst shave I've had for a very long time. The AS-D2 is clearly not for me. I'm strongly considering it for the BST box reserved for the pre-Christmas buying frenzy... if I don't drop kick it into the canal first

Steve, what happened between the third and fourth shave?
Cold shower
Figaro P.160 (thanks Jon!) face lathered
Muehle synthetic
MEM OC razor w/Gillette Platinum
Speick AS
Speick ASB

Figaro behaved like a good soft Italian soap should - quick to lather, rich and creamy. Shame all of the Amaretto is gone from it, but performance is definitely still there! This MEM could be a nice little travel razor, will have to give it a few more go's.

Glad you enjoyed it....

Monday v August, 2013

Pre: Shower, Arran Aromatics Peppermint & Eucalyptus Glycerin soap
Prep: Cold water splash
Brush: Neep custom '67 threepenny bit
Soap: Irisch Moos shave stick
Razor: Ever Ready natural angle
Blade: Gem stainless coated
Post: Thayers Medicated WH, Institut Karité ASB

Result: Nice one. First time I've used the natural angle and had a really decent shave with it. Moos was terrific too, as per normal.

All the best, gents.

TOBS Shaving Shop
Progress on 1 with Sputnik (3)
Turkish no. 6
TOBS Shaving Shop a/s gel.

Very good. Just a quick one so didn't have time to overdo it today.

Monday 5th August 2013
Prep: Shower
Razor: Schick Adjustable
Blade: Gillette Platinum Plus
Brush: Semogue OC Boar
Soap: Tabac Stick Grated into a container
Aftershave: Nivea Cream (Soft)

A super shave, for me Nivea Cream even the soft version is not a patch on the Astral light and creamy which I find as good or better than any aftershave balm I have tried.


Monday morning

Gillette face wash
Prep pre shave
Kent BK2 brush
TOBS Sandalwood soap
Gillette Chinese blue (2)
Alum and witch hazel
Old spice as

Star 1912 SE Razor with GEM Blade
Semogue 620 Boar Brush
Speik A/S

Not owned or shaved with an SE for ages, so picked up the Star on eBay, last week. Nice razor, just need to get the hang of it on the upper lip area.

fancontroller said:
Steve, what happened between the third and fourth shave?

Clearly yesterday was a bad day all round! Couldn't find me arse with both hands! Everything I attempted went badly... guitar practising, computer chess playing, coffee moka-potting.
I think I was trying to get a very close shave when I was not up to the task. I achieved the close shave by virtue of taking off a layer of skin.

Today is a new day.
I'm very impressed by Jabonmans soap and Myrsols AS products, excellent results from both this day, again and together with Wade and Butcher for barbers only razor and Rudy Veys brush it have me an uberclean shave


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