S.O.T.D. w/c Saturday 18th - Friday 24th January 2014, incl.

Village Barber Oil
Bocote Wood 24mm Silvertip Brush
Stirling Barbershop soap
Gillette Rocket HD razor
Gillette 7 O'clock Black blade
Village Barber Balm
Blue Stratos after shave
Sun. 19th. Jan.

Hot towel
Monsavon Shave soap
'le Tuft' Custom Butterscotch - Two Band Finest
Gillette Aristocrat #16
Gillette 7 o'clock Yellow
Nivea Post Shave Balm
Floris No. 89 EDT

Quite delicious! :icon_razz: Monsavon is a lovely soap,,whipped to a rich lather by the 'le Tuft',, and the Aristocrat performed beautifully.
A smooth satisfying shave.
Regards, beejay
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Proraso pre-shave - sensitive
Soap: Stirling Earl Grey
Bowl: Woodhead Pedestal
Brush: MÜHLE Kosmo silvertip synthetic
Razor: Weber polished + Bulldog
Blade: Rapira (3)
After: Old Spice AS, Coral Skin Food

After yesterday's success with Stirling I thought I'd continue with another flavour, Earl Grey. Although the lather is the same unfortunately there's practically no scent, which is a shame.
Shave didn't feel as comfortable as yesterday I think because the blade has reached the end of its life. Even so, results were great. Weber back on par with ATT R2 again, so it's still too close to call which is better.

Enjoy your Sunday, folks.

Razor: Custom Powell 8/8 Smiling Blade In Muskox Horn Scale
Brush: Rod Neep Custom Tall Zebra Deep Mount
Cream: Penhaligon's Endymion
ASB: Bulldog
EDT: Boss Soul

Very fun razor to shave with.



Face wash with Pears soap
Merkur Digress HD B / Vintage Perma-Sharp
Neep Jubilee
The Body Shop Maca Root Cream
Proraso Green A/S
Tom Ford Grey Vetiver

That was a <insert your favourite expletive here> great shave.

Sunday, January 19th, 2014

Sunday, January 19th, 2014

Mastro Livi Double Damascus Steel, 15/16 Full Hollow, Barber's Notch

  • Pre-shave: Myrsol Emulsión
  • Soap: Valobra Shaving Cream
  • Brush: Mastro Livi Silver Tip Badger Brush
  • Bowl: Gerby Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm Stropping
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Double Damascus Steel, 15/16 Full Hollow, Barber's Notch
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extravirgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Myrsol Agua de Limón After Shave
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

vintage butterscotch rebranded Simpsons best
Webly/Wilkinson Light Brigade (NOS)
TGQ Leatherneck SS (last of it, sad to say)
Lucky Tiger AS and Face Tonic
TGQ 'Leatherneck' extrait ( a few squirts worth left in the bottle)

Really nice old blade.....one I could easily use every day if needed. There's a few old Wilkinson versions that are still excellent, even after being made 40-50 years ago.

Got my final shave with this soap that I'd been carefully using for the last couple years. Yep, it's extinct, which is a real shame. This woman (Colleen) really knew how to tickle my hot buttons when it came to shaving soaps. Amazing fragrances and wonderful performers. By far my favorite small vendor, plus a great person to know. She is world famous over at SRP. I had one more shave's worth left in the bowl and now it's gone. Oh well.

BBS results,


Afternoon, gents.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: Feather Portable with the EJDE89 handle
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (2)
Brush: Ecotools Kabuki
Shave soap: Palmolive
Aftershave: Jovan Musk

An excellent and close shave.
This was last night's shave with a freshly honed Wacker razor - I'm getting great edges from a Japanese natural stone, they really are worth the extra.

Martin de Candre soap
Wacker Chevalier
Myrsol Emulsion and Balsamica
Penhaligon's Bouquet

Hot flannel
Vulfix Bodger
#11H New, Gillette Bleue Extra
Barbershop Bay Rum

Unusual, for me, consecutive day shave. Thought I'd try a quick 1 pass ATG. Blade (3) may have been past it admittedly, but the 1 ATG pass didn't cut the mustard. Ended up with so much touching up it was equivalent to 3 passes on my neck, 2 pass on my face. Still managed to leave a small rough patch on my chin. I think a 2 pass WTG then XTG is a better bet for me for shaving consecutive days, and settle for DFS. Yeh, still prefer my every other day approach for a comfortable BBS.
Sunday 01-19-14. MUSIC: The Rolling Stones - Some Girls.


Soap from Alepo - Kimson de España silvertip - Merkur 37C Slant - Perma Sharp #6 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving soap Barbiere di Figaro Raffinato - Alum block - Thayers Original Astringent - ASB JASÖN - ASL Pitralon Classic.
Prep: Village Barber Oil
Soap: Orange Chill
Brush: Chubby 2 - 2 band
Razor: Fatboy (6)
Post: Stirling lemon splash

So much menthol! I think it was actually pain at one point. There going to be belters in the summer.
Sunday 19th January

Hot shower
Hot flannel
Speick stick grated scuttle lathered
Simpson POLO 10 best badger
Gillette British Flaretip Superspeed
Polsilver Super Iridium (2)
Cold rinse
Thayers Lavender witch hazel
Old Spice sensitive aftershave

Lovely comfortable shave.